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FlyerTalker Lending Team on Kiva.org!

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Old Dec 20, 2015, 4:45 am
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The FlyerTalk Lending Team on Kiva:
improving lives a small loan at a time.
Kiva.org is the not-for-profit microlending organization that networks people willing to lend to small entrepreneurs in developing nations using available technology and international networking / collaboration, and how Kiva.org had become an approved FlyerTalk charity thanks to TalkBoard's approval June 29, 2008 <link> It is listed on the FlyerTalk Cares page.

"Kiva is a grassroots project started by a team with a big idea: one-to-one, real-time lending to the poor via the Internet. Currently, we take no cut of the loan you make through our site -- 100% goes to the entrepreneur. We suggest a 10% donation, in addition to your loan, to help us cover our costs. Kiva is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donation is tax-deductible for US taxpayers." (Suggested donations for administrative overhead, low though that is, are not required - you may lend 100% if you so choose.)
Since June 2008, a FlyerTalker Lending Team has formed on Kiva.org; there were ten of us with 55 loans worth $1,375.00 as of Feb 27, 2009. But...

As of 15 May 2016 it was 607 FlyerTalk lending team who have lent $2,209,175 in 37,092 loans! And now as of 30 June 2019 it is 941 members who have lent $6,415,775 in 71,722 loans!

Our motto is: "We loan because: We want to fight global poverty while earning miles."

This is tangible evidence Flyertalk Cares! There are likely other FlyerTalkers on Kiva who have not joined - if you are one of them, do so now to show your and FT's support and involvement. If you haven't lent yet, check it out - you may want to join up. For the low-income entrepreneurs on five continents who are requesting loans, microlending is significant - and it takes a lot of drops to fill the bucket. (Read on to see updates!)

Now, we can see this sophisticated network link resources from those who can lend (no interest, sorry!) with those who are needy, worthy and screened by local NGOs and have a need to start / expand their small business to enhance their and their families' survival. And, using PayPal and your FFP/FFG linked card or account, you can earn miles or points with many loans!

FlyerTalkers are lending, and fulfilling one of FT's seminal values, that of "paying it forward."

Read more about Kiva.org, who supports and enables it (Intel, Google, Paypal, Intuit and many others,) and see if you have $25.00 (or more) you can lend someone deserving in a land you have visited and enjoyed (or not.)

This is how it works:

Add your experiences here, or if you haven't joined... won't you consider joining the FlyerTalker Lending Team?

You can see who the latest FT borrowers are (some still possibly needing loans) here

For ease, you can click here: Subscribe to FlyerTalker Lending Team on Kiva.org
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FlyerTalker Lending Team on Kiva.org!

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Old Nov 18, 2009, 4:28 pm
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Originally Posted by RCyyz
Just had some loans repaid so I made another $25 loan.

Question: NATO troops are engaged, quite heavily at times, in Afghanistan. Without debating the merits of the military mission I do think the civilian situation over there can be rather desperate. Kiva doesn't seem to have any Afghans asking for loans though. (It's entirely possible that the Afghan situation is too unstable to allow for such things.)

Nonetheless, does anyone know of any (reputable) microfinance outfits currently operating in Afghanistan?
The first of the month is when you'll see a whole flood of new loans come in. Afghanistan usually has a large selection in the first few days, but they do fund pretty quickly. There have also been a few loans posted recently for Iraq.
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Old Nov 19, 2009, 9:17 am
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Originally Posted by SwissCircle
Yet, in other countries such interest rates would be largely considered unethical and immoral.
I still remain very sceptical.
The link does provide some justification though. If there is a $50 cost of managing the loan and this is passed to the borrower then if they borrow $300 then the interest rate will appear very high. However there is no way to reduce the cost of managing the loan.

Maybe Kiva could show what the management cost is and give us the option to pay part of it as a donation if we want to help the borrower further?
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Old Nov 19, 2009, 10:06 pm
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Star Mega Do contribution ?!?

I was on the Star Mega Do and was pleased that Kiva was going to be a recipient of a contribution from our event. But it was recently announced that of the $5000+ raised only $500 was going to Kiva because of "controversy". Does anyone know what went on here? Am -very- annoyed that nmy group was one of three to be funded but way down on the amount portion. Would like to understand want happened. Who did the organizers talk to? What was the "controversy"

- a very disappointed Star Mega Do participant -
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 12:21 am
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Hi Bonnerbl,

Originally Posted by Bonnerbl
I was on the Star Mega Do and was pleased that Kiva was going to be a recipient of a contribution from our event. But it was recently announced that of the $5000+ raised only $500 was going to Kiva because of "controversy". Does anyone know what went on here? Am -very- annoyed that nmy group was one of three to be funded but way down on the amount portion. Would like to understand want happened. Who did the organizers talk to? What was the "controversy"

- a very disappointed Star Mega Do participant -
The controversy is linked to a few recent articles about KIVA (in the Chicago Tribune for starters IIRC) about the way KIVA works.

If you look at the loans, you do not actually fund the loan you select. The field partner has already lent this borrower the money, you provide capital to the field partner to fund further loans. As such, there is a "deception" (although documented on the KIVA website) that you are directly helping a specific borrower.

For example, here is one of my loans:

The loan was given to the borrower on Sept 9, while it was listed on KIVA two days later.

Also, in the advanced repayment section for this same loan:

You can see that the borrower is repaying much earlier to the field partner than the field partner to the lenders.

(I have a case in Ghana where the borrower is repaying the field partner, but, due to problems, the field partner is not repaying the lenders).

Many lenders believed that they were really lending directly to a specific person, thus the controversy.


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Old Nov 20, 2009, 4:04 am
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Sorry and with all due respect I disagree. Using the word deception is extremely harmful and way off the scale IMHO. Look at the homepage of KIVA -- prominent link -- Learn how Kiva works -- click on it -- next page very clearly says that many funds are used to backfill loans already made. So I might put the onus on you, not on Kiva. Did you read this section? Your choice to not fully understand or read something clearly stated does not constitute deception on their part. It is a prominent link in clear language in readable font.

The withholding of Star Mega Do funds was shameful.
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 4:23 am
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Hi Bonnerbl,

Note: I put quotation marks around deception on purpose. Yes, indeed, KIVA does explain the process. However, many people do not bother reading this information (nor do they read T&Cs before buying an airplane ticket).

I'm just relating the cause of the controversy which impacted KIVA, not defending it in any way.


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Old Nov 20, 2009, 6:02 am
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Originally Posted by Bonnerbl
The withholding of Star Mega Do funds was shameful.
That's a bit harsh, and as a fellow Mega Do participant, I respectfully disagree. I think using pooled funds on Kiva is a bad idea, firstly because continous updating and re-lending is required on a regular basis, and secondly because the capital base erodes away with each loan (due to the donation to Kiva itself to cover operating costs) and would need to be replenished in the future.

Personally, I think it would have been a much better idea just to donate the money (if you insist, to Kiva's operating expenses fund) and be done with it (which is what they seem to be doing with most of it, and I fully approve).
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 9:51 am
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What was said on the raffle was that Kiva would be one of the charities that would receive money from the proceeds and the raffle.

There will be made a 500USD investment on behalf of the Star Mega DO participants who contributed.

The reason I suggested to contribute to Kiva in the first place, was because we could actually track the investment and see how the money got spent, I love the idea.

I have not said deception at all, I just don't feel comfortable with the discoveries made in the press and even if it's not a deception, they haven't been upfront on how things actually work with the Kiva investments and I don't like that.. That's why we made a decision to reduce the investment.

I'm not doubting that the money will do good at Kiva, but after talking with Lufthansa and their charity, they proposed to make a special project just for us and the ideas that have been presented sound very exciting. We will be able to follow the project in detail and we are 100% confident that the money is going to our project only.

I'll have more info about this next week!
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 9:54 am
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Originally Posted by Bonnerbl

The withholding of Star Mega Do funds was shameful.
I respect your opinion, but it has not been mentioned anything about this in the thread. You are the only one who has reacted negative via PM to our decision. We have on the other hand received many positive PMs and e-mails about deciding to give more money to HelpAlliance
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 11:40 am
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I believe that I'm the guy who originally posted on the MegaDo thread that we should consider donating some proceeds to Kiva. I was extremely pleased to learn of the raffle on board our wonderful Condor and I'm pretty satisfied with the amount raised.

As for the $500 allocation to Kiva, I agree that more is better but let's also keep in mind that most loans are in the $25 range. So our $500 will have a positive impact on 20 people. That's not bad.

Would $5000 be better? Sure. But the recently unveiled lack of direct connection between donor (us) and loan requestor is certainly disappointing, if somewhat understandable from a logistics perspective. And the high cost of adminsitration (interest) is similarly disappointing, if also somewhat understandable.

In the end, Kiva is still a *very* worthy cause and I'm please to be involved. That Kiva is not all we perhaps thought it to be initially is reason for consideration but not necessarily cause for concern. And let's be completely aware that the money that may have gone to Kiva went instead to an equally worthy cause. If Tommy et al had taken the funds and frittered them away on champagne, I would be first in line to support the "shameful" characterization. But the funds all went to very good use and for that we should thank everyone who participated in the MegaDo and made these donations possible.
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Old Nov 20, 2009, 11:54 am
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It's a bit difficult this because we seem to be at the nexus of two issues, both of which are legitimate Communitybuzz! threads. However, this thread was started with a particular purpose. As such, I'd say discussion of Kiva activities is on topic. I'm going to rule that now the question about the concerns the MegaDo organisers had about Kiva have been asked and answered, that any further discussion about MegaDo and charities it is generously contributing to be restricted to the MegaDo thread, leaving this thread for the Flyertalk Lending Team on Kiva.

Thanks for your consideration in this - as always, if you have questions or comments, then please do drop me a PM.

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Old Dec 1, 2009, 2:16 am
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Originally Posted by RCyyz
Just had some loans repaid so I made another $25 loan.

Question: NATO troops are engaged, quite heavily at times, in Afghanistan. Without debating the merits of the military mission I do think the civilian situation over there can be rather desperate. Kiva doesn't seem to have any Afghans asking for loans though. (It's entirely possible that the Afghan situation is too unstable to allow for such things.)

Nonetheless, does anyone know of any (reputable) microfinance outfits currently operating in Afghanistan?
There are about 50 loans for Afghanistan that just got added to Kiva.

There are also loans in Iraq, but those carry a caveat about the additional risks of getting repayments out of the country at the moment.
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Old Dec 4, 2009, 5:56 pm
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Originally Posted by lili
From the Kiva website:
Why are microcredit interest rates so high?

It's unfortunate, but not avoidable.

The most common microfinance vehicle in the Philippines is 5-6 lending which charges a 20% interest rate compounded monthly (or even weekly.) I am more concerned with Kiva loans to American businesses, but that is another topic for another day...
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Old Dec 15, 2009, 11:51 pm
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Repayments are in, time to relend.

Statistic Name FlyerTalkers
Number of Team Members 101
Number of Loans 529
Number of Loans per Member 5.24
Total Amount Loaned $16,725
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Old Dec 25, 2009, 10:11 pm
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Maybe it's the season, but... it's now $18,575.00

Impact of FlyerTalkers

  • Statistic Name FlyerTalkers

  • Number of Team Members 101

  • Number of Loans 587

  • Number of Loans per Member 5.81

  • Total Amount Loaned $18,575.00

Not bad at all, fellow FlyerTalkers! We can be proud of this one, and maybe, just maybe, we can hit twenty big ones by 2010? See the loans / people lent to here. Regardless of the specifics we are providing microloans to people with little other recource, lending a hand to people so they can lift themselves. Can't be anything wrong with that!

Last edited by JDiver; Dec 25, 2009 at 10:16 pm
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