Wiki Posts
Old Apr 8, 2016, 1:18 pm
FlyerTalk Forums Expert How-Tos and Guides
Last edit by: intuition
(This wiki format has been borrowed from the BA forum, and modified to fit the A3 circumstance. Thank you very much BA forum, and BA forum folks.)

(Also note: this is just a guide. Use at your own risk and discretion. But also, please contribute your experiences!)

What Is This?
This community maintained wiki lists out all known airports on the A3 network grading each airport in terms of its practical suitability for quick flight transfers. Three transfer categories are considered (and indicated as traffic lights from left to right in the following order):
  • "Back to back": Immediate turnarounds without checked baggage, with an airside transfer and flying out on the same aircraft that operated the inbound flight
  • "Transfer": Immediate turnarounds without checked baggage, with an airside transfer and flying out on a different aircraft (or airline) to the one that operated the inbound flight
  • "Landside": Full arrival and departure sequence. It is assumed check-in for the onward flight is processed prior to the arrival at the airport.
[New] Please add an entry in the Edit History below if and when you make an edit.

Excellent generally means you will leave the aircraft and find yourself in the boarding area for departure.
Good suggests that you may have to clear either security and/or passports before reboarding, but it should still be possible.
Reasonable suggests possible but with potential difficulties
Poor means high difficulty and not advisable
Ungraded means we don't have enough reports/data

  1. Know that sometimes things don't go to plan. E.g. Some airports are unpredictable on bussing, which puts passengers landside and thus needing to reclear security.
  2. The above needs to be combined with the turnaround time. E.g. Some flight schedules offer generous back-to-back time, for example.


Back to Back: Excellent (reason, if any) [Date of Report]
Transfer: Reasonable (Arrivals decant directly into Departures. Especially okay if going Schengen again, tricky if non-Schengen) [Dec 2020] (Reasonable even for intra-Schengen, and here's why [...]) [Feb 2021]
Landside: Bad (Bus driver usually gets lost on the way to departures, sometimes stopping at Narnia along the way. See Post #123 and Post #456 as an example.) [Apr 2019]

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Edit Log/History
  • Feb 4, 2023: Added an edit log/history.
  • Nov 12, 2023: Added report for KLX
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Non-Greece List
Note: Some are seasonal. List accurate as of March 2021.
Note-note: Please ensure alphabetization if adding/subtracting a destination, and to update the "accuracy-date" in the previous line.

ADB ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

AGP ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

AMM ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

AMS ☻ ☻
Back to back: unless there is a spotcheck on the flight, forcing you to clear security on arrival, you will be able to almost immediately join the passengers gathering for departure at the gate you just arrived from. No security, no passport check - make sure to have your boarding pass already. [Unknown date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

ARN ☻ ☻
Back to back: works the same way as CPH - you are unloaded right into the gate area and should be able to immediately re-board [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BCN ☻ ☻
Back to back: Similar to MAD you are unloaded right into the gate area and can immediately re-board. There is even time to go to the lounge. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BEG ☻ ☻
Update 2023: Airport is currently under major changes. Centralised security is implemented and you are not offloaded anymore in the same area as departures.
Back to back:
This is outside Schengen and the EU but you are still offloaded into the same area as departures so you should be able to immediately re-board. Security is at each gate. I'm not sure how legal it would be to go there and not pass through passport control (your passport is actually stamped - a novelty there days!) but there are often some VERY cheap flights from ATH. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BER ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BES ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BEY ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BLQ ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BOD ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BRU ☻ ☻
Back to back: fed straight into gate area, so immediate turnaround possible. But big warning: no clue how recent events at BRU might have changed airport ops! [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

BUD ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

CAI ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

CDG ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

CPH ☻ ☻
Back to back: should be very doable, as you get straight in the main departure lobby/gate on all my times flying there. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

CTA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

DBV ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

DME ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

DOL ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

DUB ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

DUS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

EDI ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

EVN ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

FCO ☻ ☻
Back to back: If docked at a jetty/bridge, simply walk along the long corridor till you come to the common area, then take the escalator one floor up and go to your gate. Should not take more than 5-10 minutes, still could be a long walk. But if a bus is used (this happens every once in a while (10:1)), it gets rather close. You get bussed to the common luggage collecting area, walk out, take a left and take the elevator one floor up. You go through security and once through, add another 5-10 minutes to reach your gate. Security may take long, also bussing, the whole operation might take more than 30 minutes. Unfortunately no way of knowing beforehand whether it will be jetty or bus. [Unknown Date]

FRA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

GVA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

HAM ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

HBE ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

HEL ☻ ☻
Back to back: Disembarkation is immediately in to the gate area from which boarding takes place. *A flights tend to be allocated the low number gates close to the SAS lounge (closed at the moment).
In the event of a bus, you are dropped into the gate area close to where you would board a bus on departure. There is no security or passport check as it's intra-Schengen.
If/when the SAS lounge reopens, it's OK for a few minutes and a snack but there is no other lounge within easy distance of this area of the terminal.
HEL is probably the longest back to back on the current network alongside LHR & DUB but certainly easier than LHR.
Transfer: See above
Landside: unknown

Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

JED ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

KRK ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LED ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LGW ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LHR ☻ ☻
Back to back: The last flight of the day is definitely doable. You have the option of going through Flight Connections (the best option for those with non-UK/EU passports) or going landside and back through security that way. Both will take about 10 minutes at that time of the evening. The earlier flights would be more problematic, as the terminal would be much busier. It should still be doable but will more than likely not be very relaxed. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LIS ☻ ☻
Back to back: if you end up on a stand with a jetway then you are deposited into the departure area and should be able to reboard. If you end up on a stand, you will be bussed to the terminal and end up on the far end of the departures area. You should still be able to make it to the gate with a boarding pass, but if things are running late, you may have problems. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LUX ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

LYS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MAD ☻ ☻
Back to back: You are unloaded right into the gate area and can immediately re-board. There is even time to go to the lounge. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MAN ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MLA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MRS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MUC ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

MXP ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

NAP ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

NCE ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

NTE ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

NUE ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

OSL ☻ ☻
Back to back: is a little different due to it not being in the EU (but still in Schengen). There you are unloaded into corridor above the main concourse and have to pass through a security check before going downstairs to the departure concourse. It SHOULD be very quick. NOTE that I have only arrived there from France and Germany, NOT from Greece but it should be the same. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

OTP ☻ ☻
Back to back: you will be feeded away from the arrivals hall. Make sure before clearing passport control to find the transit point (not always staffed). Within 5-10 mins from there you should be back into the departures area, after BP is checked/gate agents or ground personell is contacted. Never tried personally myself, but should be very doable what I've read! [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

PRG ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

PSA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

RUH ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

SOF ☻ ☻
Back to back: Forget it. I was bussed to the terminal which was really slow and then there was a reasonable queue at passport control (small airport and no other arrivals but only two desks). [Unknown Date]
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

STR ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

SXB ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: unknown
Landside: unknown

TBS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

TIA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

TLN ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

TLS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

TLV ☻ ☻
Back to back: Where the flight has a near 5 hour turnaround time A3928/929 this is a pretty hassle free trip. I landed and cleared in about 30 mins from landing. Advised guy at passport control the purpose of trip ( mileage run ) to which he asked if I had been to Israel before. After that gave me back my passport and said ''Enjoy''. Went to get some fresh air before going back through departures. There is a HBO security line to the right. I was given a full interview for about 10 mins but guy was very pleasant. Put a sticker on my passport with a barcode then I went through a very thorough screening/x ray process. I would advise to do this trip HBO only as with checked bags the process would be a lot longer as they open everything. I would certainly do this MR again. I got some lovely local produce and some nice wines for Xmas. ^ [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

VCE ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

VIE ☻ ☻
Back to back: you are unloaded right into the gate area and should be able to immediately re-board. If you are unlucky and get a remote bus gate, you may have to walk a bit but no need to re-clear security and should be do-able in 10 minutes [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

VLC ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

WAW ☻ ☻
Back to back: Idiot proof (i.e. arrival into the departure hall, back to the plane through the same gate) and time for a quick bite/drink at the Polonez lounge if disembarking through a nearby gate. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ZAG ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ZRH ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

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Greece List
Note: Some are seasonal. Some served by subsidiary, Olympic. List accurate as of March 2021.
Note-note: Please ensure alphabetization if adding/subtracting a destination, and to update the "accuracy-date" in the previous line.

CFU ☻ ☻
Back to back: have to reclear security, but airport is very small so only takes a few minutes -- told OA staff what I was doing and they offered to have the GA make sure to hold things in case of any delay [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

CHQ ☻ ☻
Back to back: bus gates/walk to arrivals on tarmac, so will have to reclear security, but as airport is very small it could surely done in 20-30 mins. High season charter crowds at the wrong hours of the day can complicate this! (Not stopping over for at least a day in CHQ is anyway a crime against humanity). [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

EFL ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

HER ☻ ☻
Back to back: You always get bussed, first waiting for business class to deplane. Once in the terminal, turn left after exiting the building and walk through the CI area to Schengen departures (~150 metres). The CI area may be a zoo in the summer months, push yourself through. Easy in off-season but iffy in the summer due to crowds at security. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JIK ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JKH ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JMK ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JNX ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JSH ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JSI ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

JTR ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

KGS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

KIT ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

All transfers are landside

Back to back: Tarmac deplaning and short walk to arrivals where passport and customs filter exists (unmanned for schengen arrivals). From here you must exit to landside, where you walk 30-40 meters inside the termial building to the north, passing 3-4 check-in desks (likely closed at the time you pass them) before you find departures security scan where boarding pass and travel documents are checked. 20 meters after security boarding pass is scanned again before entering holding pen at the gate, from where it is a short tarmac walk back to the plane. Business class passengers are held in a separate pen and boarded (led onto tarmac) first. [Nov 2023]

Transfer: Same procedure as B2B - Best practice is to make sure transfer flight is operated by the arriving aircraft. Because of the small size of the airport, this is often the case (but technically it can hold more than one plane at a time on the apron, so do your research). [Nov 2023]

Landside: Same procedure as B2B. If you have a longish layover, pay attention to opening hours of security and check-in desks. It is a very small airport and services may be intermittently closed. [Nov 2023]

KVA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

KZS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

LCA ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

LRS ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

LXS ☻ ☻
Back to back: 1 minute bus drive from plane to terminal (and same back). Terminal very small but check-in desks likely closed once you get to there so make sure you have boarding pass already. 25 minutes as is typical connection time is enough, when plane is delayed you'll likely need to run. You have to re-clear security. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Tiny airport - off the plane, through security and at the gate in 5-7 minutes. Would be easy as a back-to-back/immediate turn around too. [2022-04-10]
Landside: Unknown

MLO ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

PAS ☻ ☻
Back to back: PAS is my home airport and it would be very easy to just walk outside, back into the termal and through security - probably about three minutes from stepping off the aircraft to being ready to board. Also, there is only one flight at once and only 4 or 5 members of staff at the entire airport so just tell somebody what you are doing as you depalane and I'm sure they'd wait for you. I imagine most of the other small airports (Naxos, Syros etc.) work the same. [Unknown Date]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

RHO ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

SKG ☻ ☻
Back to back: Tarmac deplane and 20 meter walk to enter terminal building (no bussing on this occasion). There is a transfer-door which let's you stay airside. You need to show onward BP to enter; a back-to-back BP was not an issue on this occasion. Some 20 meters down the hall you'll find the lounge on the right. Boarding can be done from the lounge, so this is a really quick path. If you don't have lounge access, then stairs to departures level is to the left and you can get to the gate in a few minutes.
Only problem would be if the transfer door isn't manned or if your onward BP isn't accepted. Then you will have to do landside. [2022-05-16]

Transfer: Excellent, see back-to-back
Landside: Unknown

SKU ☻ ☻
Back to back: Doable (good, but not excellent). Like PAS, this is a tiny airport, with just one or two flights a day (if even that). Made the short walk to arrivals with other arriving passengers, but quickly joined the single security line, went through security, and walked back out to the plane. Told the ground staff I'd be on the return (not sure if that made a difference). [Oct 2018]
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ZTH ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

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Hub Itself

ATH (Non-Schengen to Non-Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (Non-GR Schengen to Non-Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (GR-Domestic to Non-Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (Non-Schengen to Non-GR Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (Non-GR Schengen to Non-GR Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (GR-Domestic to Non-GR Schengen) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (Non-Schengen to GR-Domestic) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (Non-GR Schengen to GR-Domestic) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

ATH (GR-Domestic to GR-Domestic) ☻ ☻ ☻
Back to back: unknown
Transfer: Unknown
Landside: Unknown

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Immediate turnarounds in Europe on A3

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Old Mar 13, 2024, 6:48 am
FlyerTalk Evangelist
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Originally Posted by KLouis
If your incoming flight is on time, this is doable, but a big problem can arise from the "dumping" of your luggage! It's a long walk from where the bus will drop you off and back to the gate, and you'll also have to re-clear security. Add, therefore, a minimum of 10-15 min., at the very least, not even considering the additional time lost due to potential queues. I therefore find it very risky, especially if the two flights are booked separately (no protection).
yes these are separate tickets. My worry is bus drop off and then another bus to the next flight. What's the gate close time for a 1:30 pm flight? We're gonna gamble on this one, the next flight to JMK is at 4pm.i

i tried a dummy booking of KOS to JMK and its routing me on the same flights connecting to the 1:30pm to JMK from ATH. Yes the challenge is running from plane to terminal get luggage and go to storage b4 running to fast track to board plane.

I forget does A3 cross reference files(PNR's)?

Last edited by djjaguar64; Mar 13, 2024 at 10:19 am
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Old Mar 13, 2024, 2:29 pm
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: PAS, Paros Greece
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Originally Posted by djjaguar64
We booked KOS-ATH landing in ATH at 12.35pm. I booked ATH to JMK at 1:30pm. Do you think we will make it? We we planning only to take hand luggage. But as we land from KOS we need to dump our luggage in luggage storage in ATH.
Any feed back is appreciated.
This will be really tight with what you plan to do with your luggage. A 55 minute connection is perfectly doable if you're just getting off one flight (via bus) onto another, but collecting your bags alone will eat up most of this time. Things may have changed since I last used the luggage storage at Athens but it is (well, was) right at the far end of the terminal by the international "A Gate" arrivals. Even walking there and back would take 10 minutes. Then you might have to queue to actually drop your bags... Are you travelling in high season? I've regularly made 45 minute domestic connections at ATH but only in winter and never with the bag-shenanigans you're attempting.

The only way I can see this working is if one of you goes to deal with the bags while somebody else goes to the gate, explains what is happening and assures the agents that the other person will arrive VERY soon to board. Of course, there's always a chance that the second flight will be slightly delayed, which would be nice.

Personally, this would totally stress me out and, with only a 2.5hr wait for the later flight I'd take that option and chill in the lounge for a while. Actually... I'd pay good money to spend 2.5 hours LESS time on Mykonos, but that's another discussion.
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Old Mar 13, 2024, 8:21 pm
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Originally Posted by Knobbgb
...{looooong snip}...Actually... I'd pay good money to spend 2.5 hours LESS time on Mykonos, but that's another discussion.
Indeed, another discussion, but how very true!
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Old Mar 26, 2024, 7:21 am
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I made the mistake of booking the axd arrival at 1030 instead of 720 (flex fare only) For my original plan to work, I will now to turn around immediately at axd, do u think it is possible?
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Old Mar 26, 2024, 7:23 am
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Yeap AXD is very small airport and its easy to catch again the plane.
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Old Mar 26, 2024, 7:33 pm
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Originally Posted by gioannis13
Yeap AXD is very small airport and its easy to catch again the plane.
Need to reclear security?
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Old Mar 27, 2024, 1:16 am
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Yes, but no other flights, no waiting line up to 10 15 people.
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Old Apr 19, 2024, 5:50 am
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Question Tirana ( TIA ) Immediate turnaround / back-to-back?

Hi all,

Hope you are all keeping well. I have a question please. Has anyone done an immediate turnaround/back-to-back A3 connection at Tirana (TIA)? Basically, get off the ATH-TIA flight and wait at the gate to reboard the return TIA-ATH flight? Or do i have to actually go through immigration and security to return to the gate?

Thank you,
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Old Apr 20, 2024, 5:03 am
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Originally Posted by Niklas B
Hi all,

Hope you are all keeping well. I have a question please. Has anyone done an immediate turnaround/back-to-back A3 connection at Tirana (TIA)? Basically, get off the ATH-TIA flight and wait at the gate to reboard the return TIA-ATH flight? Or do i have to actually go through immigration and security to return to the gate?

Thank you,
I've not done a turnaround but I flew there quite recently. You DO have to go through immigration and re-clear departures. It's a fairly small, quiet modern airport and I seem to remember the departure process being quite quick when I left, but I wouldn't risk an immediate turnaround at a place like this.
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Old Apr 23, 2024, 8:32 am
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OTP experience now it's in Schengen?

Originally Posted by john1987
Does anyone has any experience [MENTION=186360]b2b[/MENTION] OTP.
IS Romania OTP Schengen airport already?
Just 45 minutes .
Thank you for your reply
Since last month has OTP become easier or harder to b2b? Anyone?
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Old May 16, 2024, 3:28 am
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Anyone tried this at LJU?

Ljubljana is even cheaper for my 4 sectors to keep Gold... small airport, Schengen, looks promising for a 45 minute turn... anyone?
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Old May 17, 2024, 2:15 am
Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: Kerry
Posts: 512
My memory is that at LJU you need to go landside and re-clear security though it's a couple of years since I've been there. It can have some busy peaks during the day so you could be very unlucky if you were caught in one. There is a fast lane but if you get LX, LH & BA all there at the same time that could be a lot of fast lane people.
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