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Tizzette Nov 1, 2014 7:48 pm

Originally Posted by Jenbel (Post 23773165)
Particularly when Mamool is a thoroughbred, not an Arabian ;) :D \

Still, I think stallions can do DYKWIA like no other being! Size... disposition.. value...

Sheikh Yerbootie is just a little bit scrambled...the Godophin Arabian was one of the three founding sires of the Thoroughbred breed.

Dadaluma83 Nov 21, 2014 4:57 pm

Just had my first experience with an annoying passenger and it didn't directly affect me. Thats how bad it was.

A few days ago coming home on the final leg of my trip DFW to ELP, on a journey that almost 24 hours earlier started in Dublin Ireland I was drained. Started out at 7 am in Dublin with me waking up to check out of the hotel, then make my way to take the DUB - PHL flight, only to have my 2 hour layover in PHL change to a 4 hour layover due to a 2 hour delay which caused me to misconnect in DFW, got placed on the last flight of the day DFW to ELP. No status so economy class all the way, and got home at midnight which would have been 24 hours from the time I woke up in Dublin. It was a long day.

I was both annoyed and creeped out by this one passenger. Boarding a CRJ 900 I was lucky enough to have the aisle and the window was empty. Everybody finished boarding and the seat next to me stayed empty. Great. We sit at the gate though for what feels like forever. Then suddenly I hear someone at the door chatting with the flight attendants, then the last person boards, looked to be a 50 something year old man in a cowboy hat and instead of going straight to their seat they were the type of person that has to stop at every single row, look closely at the row number on the overhead bins, look down at their boarding pass, then take one step forward, and repeat. I was in 7C and was really hoping this person wasn't in the open window next to me, whew, this person had 6F, however 6D was occupied and when the passenger told the aisle pax that he had the window, the aisle pax took off his headphones and started to unbuckle his seat belt to let the other passenger in but before he could get up out of his seat this passenger just squeezed right in over the aisle passenger, butt in the face and all. Now the annoying pax was small, couldn't have been taller than 5'3" and maybe 130 pounds so it was possible to squeeze in to the window seat with someone sitting in the aisle seat but I thought it was horribly rude.

Late boarder, takes sweet time boarding to boot, and squeezes right up over the aisle pax. :td: :td: :td: 3 strikes.

So door closes and we push back, safety announcements start, then I hear this pax talk loudly on his cell phone even though it should have been off or in airplane mode since we were on the taxi way. It was a BS conversation too. Pax was talking loudly on the call about how he was calling on his samsung galaxy using wifi calling and the airplane was already ready to take off and how he barely made the flight and the GA was going to close the door in 1 minute. I knew the part about wifi calling was BS because on the taxi way there was no way we would be in range of any of the DFW wifi signals in the terminal. Shouldn't have been on the phone after pushback. Another strike.

So we take off, I close my eyes in an attempt to get at least a tiny bit of rest, then I hear click, click, click, this guy must have taken at least 30 pictures of the Ft. Worth lights at night. At least have the courtesy to turn off the sound on your phone so other pax don't have to hear the clicking from the camera app. Another strike.

For a flight that is about 1 hour and 15 minutes this guy must have got up to stretch in the aisle at least 5 or 6 times. After the first few times the guy in the aisle got up and never returned to his seat, presumably grabbed another seat elsewhere in the plane. Like a tattle tale the annoying pax alerted the flight attendant that the aisle pax had moved to which the FA replied that it was ok.

The annoying pax in an effort to turn on the reading light had hit the call button instead several times throughout the flight interrupting my rest with a ding. Finally once we started our final decent and the FA's made the announcement to buckle up the pax walks forward through first class towards the forward galley and talks to the FA's a bit. I can't hear but I see the FA motion the pax back towards his seat on a few occasions, after about 30 seconds or so the annoying pax goes back to his seat.

Maybe I am being nit picky, or maybe my nerves were already fried after being up for almost 24 hours straight but I thought this pax was really rude and inconsiderate, although it looked like he wasn't doing it on purpose, there really looked to be something wrong with this one pax. I was outta there on arrival.

nlkm9 Nov 21, 2014 5:06 pm

Originally Posted by Dadaluma83 (Post 23878865)
Just had my first experience with an annoying passenger and it didn't directly affect me. Thats how bad it was.

A few days ago coming home on the final leg of my trip DFW to ELP, on a journey that almost 24 hours earlier started in Dublin Ireland I was drained. Started out at 7 am in Dublin with me waking up to check out of the hotel, then make my way to take the DUB - PHL flight, only to have my 2 hour layover in PHL change to a 4 hour layover due to a 2 hour delay which caused me to misconnect in DFW, got placed on the last flight of the day DFW to ELP. No status so economy class all the way, and got home at midnight which would have been 24 hours from the time I woke up in Dublin. It was a long day.

I was both annoyed and creeped out by this one passenger. Boarding a CRJ 900 I was lucky enough to have the aisle and the window was empty. Everybody finished boarding and the seat next to me stayed empty. Great. We sit at the gate though for what feels like forever. Then suddenly I hear someone at the door chatting with the flight attendants, then the last person boards, looked to be a 50 something year old man in a cowboy hat and instead of going straight to their seat they were the type of person that has to stop at every single row, look closely at the row number on the overhead bins, look down at their boarding pass, then take one step forward, and repeat. I was in 7C and was really hoping this person wasn't in the open window next to me, whew, this person had 6F, however 6D was occupied and when the passenger told the aisle pax that he had the window, the aisle pax took off his headphones and started to unbuckle his seat belt to let the other passenger in but before he could get up out of his seat this passenger just squeezed right in over the aisle passenger, butt in the face and all. Now the annoying pax was small, couldn't have been taller than 5'3" and maybe 130 pounds so it was possible to squeeze in to the window seat with someone sitting in the aisle seat but I thought it was horribly rude.

Late boarder, takes sweet time boarding to boot, and squeezes right up over the aisle pax. :td: :td: :td: 3 strikes.

So door closes and we push back, safety announcements start, then I hear this pax talk loudly on his cell phone even though it should have been off or in airplane mode since we were on the taxi way. It was a BS conversation too. Pax was talking loudly on the call about how he was calling on his samsung galaxy using wifi calling and the airplane was already ready to take off and how he barely made the flight and the GA was going to close the door in 1 minute. I knew the part about wifi calling was BS because on the taxi way there was no way we would be in range of any of the DFW wifi signals in the terminal. Shouldn't have been on the phone after pushback. Another strike.

So we take off, I close my eyes in an attempt to get at least a tiny bit of rest, then I hear click, click, click, this guy must have taken at least 30 pictures of the Ft. Worth lights at night. At least have the courtesy to turn off the sound on your phone so other pax don't have to hear the clicking from the camera app. Another strike.

For a flight that is about 1 hour and 15 minutes this guy must have got up to stretch in the aisle at least 5 or 6 times. After the first few times the guy in the aisle got up and never returned to his seat, presumably grabbed another seat elsewhere in the plane. Like a tattle tale the annoying pax alerted the flight attendant that the aisle pax had moved to which the FA replied that it was ok.

The annoying pax in an effort to turn on the reading light had hit the call button instead several times throughout the flight interrupting my rest with a ding. Finally once we started ou

Maybe I am being nit picky, or maybe my nerves were already fried after being up for almost 24 hours straight but I thought this pax was really rude and inconsiderate, although it looked like he wasn't doing it on purpose, there really looked to be something wrong with this one pax. I was outta there on arrival.

you dont sound to nit picky, I still remember being completely and utterly exhausted one day and this passenger kept yawning really loudly and obnoxiously (lol) and usually I am such a tolerant person but I had to move away from said person. some days are worse than others:)

Annalisa12 Nov 21, 2014 7:41 pm

I hate sniffers. Anyone who sniffs near me is a really annoying passenger!

nk15 Nov 21, 2014 9:07 pm

Ok, some highlights, drunk Brits on a redeye back to LHR drinking, taking pics, and conversing with each other loudly in different rows...Same flight, flight attendant was best buddies with said drunk brits, instead of asking me what I wanted to drink he starts conversing with them in the row in front of mine for 10-15 minutes in the middle of drink service, pretty crazy situation...
Clearly sick pax coughing and sneezing everywhere without covering their mouths...Screaming children on board...Ok, this is big: Zone 5 pax lining up at a very congested gate obstructing access to the priority lane...seriously, why are you even standing up, you will board last 20 min later, sit down...
People boarding with two huge roller boards and a coffee in hand, on a full flight...Pax bringing disgusting McDs fast food on the plane...The whole terminal stinking from disgusting fast food joints...Pax dressed like they are homeless or just rolled out of bed...loud talkers on board chatting throughout the whole flight...

VH-RMD Nov 22, 2014 2:54 am

A few years ago on a MI flight SIN-PNH sitting in row 1 on a single aisle the guy across the aisle spent the whole flight picking at the dry skin on his feet or picking his nose. It was all I could do to avoid vomiting.

mia77 Nov 22, 2014 3:24 am

Flight in Y from MIA - sat next to quite large american chaps (I'm 5'3) so I moved in to an empty seat, everyone's happy. Screen didn't work so I moved again...where I encountered the hag from hell... It's an aisle on a 4 seat row in the middle, with a couple occupying the other aisle and the seat next to that. As soon as I sit down, I get dirty looks, sighs and comments about 'but they are my seats' - ignoring her, watch a film - I shift slightly to get comfortable and my knee is now slightly on the empty seat next to me to which I get a tirade of 'that's my seat, I won the seat lottery', my response 'did you buy both seats?' And she goes on a tirade of how it was her luck that got her an empty seat next to her and I wasn't wanted on their row and could I F off. I told her husband to put a mussle on her, stretched my legs out further. Lucky the steward saw her kicking off and refused her any more booze.

All this happened about 30 mins after take off so she must have been hammered at the airport. Such a bitter hag.

mackenzie77 Nov 22, 2014 5:42 am

Wasn't me but happened to a group of new employees we were flying in. A passenger spent the last four hours of a flight from LAX-TPE singing on and off. He was told to shutup several times but responded he had paid his ticket and had to right to do what he wanted. For some reason the flight attendants wouldn't do anything either. This was on China Airlines. They were in such a foul mood when they were picked up. They still bring this up whenever I inquire about how their transition to China is going.

Cher905 Nov 22, 2014 8:32 am

Originally Posted by mackenzie77 (Post 23880500)
A passenger spent the last four hours of a flight from LAX-TPE singing on and off.

Reminded me of a flight I was on a couple months ago. The older gentleman seated behind me hummed a tune the whole time. Loudly. Thank God for earbuds! He was still humming as we deplaned. Felt sorry for the guy next to him...Hope he had earbuds, too.

qmiro Nov 22, 2014 4:03 pm

What's the most annoying passenger you've encountered?
I once sat in the middle part of a wide body jet (can't remember if bit was an A330 or 777) on Turkish Airlines from Istanbul to JFK. I was traveling with someone and I was in the middle seat and next to me there was an aisle seat that was occupied after we sat down by a Turkish gentleman. When he was trying to put his carryon in the overhead bin he asked me something in Turkish to which I replied "I don't speak Turkish." To which he replied, in English, "If you don't speak Turkish why are you on Turkish Airlines?"
I think that's one of the rudest things anyone has ever told me on a plane.

China Clipper Nov 28, 2014 11:22 pm

I would have burst out laughing.

Because if it wasn't a joke, it should have been!

Esltroy Nov 29, 2014 9:11 am

I think the main thing that annoys me is when another passenger affects the senses of anyone else on the plane.
Smell, sound, visual, feel, taste.

But, 99% of the time I don't find these things annoying. The 1% of the time when I find this annoying is when I am exhausted, been traveling too much, or if I'm getting sick.

Yahillwe Nov 30, 2014 6:19 am

Originally Posted by djibouti (Post 23714139)
For me it's the guy who thinks that the fact that someone is Lebanese somehow contributes to a story like this.

This is what I wondered as well, how did he know he was lebanese, unless the OP speaks Arabic and can differentiate the dialects.

Yahillwe Nov 30, 2014 7:03 am

Originally Posted by tmorse6570 (Post 23767441)
Had a woman describe all of her divorce details to me on a 1.5 hour flight. Even the flight attendant noticed and just handed me a mini of gin.

On the return, it was a male with another detailed divorce story he just had to unload on me. TMI.

Maybe they were married to each other. :p

davie355 Nov 30, 2014 3:20 pm

My seatmate adjusted my air vent when I was pretending to sleep. She said she felt cold.

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