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Air Canada Million Mile Lifetime member Master Thread Wiki

*** For the time being, please post any wiki requests as a regular post and allow yyznomad to manage the wiki. Please and thank you.


It is long overdue that this Million Miler master thread got a wiki. This thread was started by Catch, who first reported receiving his/her Million Miler kit from Air Canada.
Seeing how the same questions get asked repeatedly over the last eight years, I put together as much information as possible. Of course, the Million Miler program is a fluid beast and with newly minted Million Milers as we go along, this wiki will be updated to reflect such changes and program updates.

In the past, several former and extremely valuable contributors to the AC FT forum, as well as current contributors, have lobbied Air Canada for a Lifetime recognition program.

Beginning in 2010, this program came to fruition. As per Andrew Yiu, a former valued FT contributor (under a different handle) and now Air Canada Executive and a former FT AC lurker:

Originally Posted by Andrew Yiu
As I had previously mentioned in the post on 2010 top tier benefits as well as during SE events, Air Canada will start recognizing customers who have demonstrated long term loyalty to Air Canada by flying significant amount of status miles on Air Canada operated flights including regional carriers such as Jazz since the inception of the Air Canada top tier program. Those who qualified for this program will be contacted directly by AC in the coming weeks as the mailing of the packages are not done in one batch; so if you didn't get anything yesterday, don't assume you didn't qualify. The number of members that qualified is extremely small relative to the overall membership base hence the details of the program are communicated directly with those who qualified and not communicated in a press release (as some of you have suggested). As for the core benefits of the program, the first post gave some pretty good description of it.

As to those who accused us of 'poor communication' 'embarassing communication day', members who qualified for this would have been contacted with a nicely presented package and again only very small group of customers qualified for this.

And without further adieu, the MM FAQ.

- yyznomad


Air Canada Million Mile Lifetime: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q0: When did the Million Mile Lifetime program rollout?
Q1a: Where can I find my Million Miler Lifetime AQM total?
Q1b: Where can I find my historical Million Miler Lifetime AQM activity/flights?
Q2: Which types of AQM counts toward Million Miler Lifetime AQM?
Q3: What do I get when I reach Million Miler nirvana and when will I get my MM package?
Q4: What Privileges do I get as a Million Miler?
Q5: When I become a 2MMer, what is the process for gifting Lifetime status to another person?
Q6: How many Air Canada Million Mile members are there?
Q7: How do Air Canada Million Mile Lifetime members compare to other programs?
Q8: Does/can the front-line staff and crew have the ability to distinguish between a 1MM vs. 2MM vs. 3MM vs. etc?
Q9: What additional benefits does a Million Mile Lifetime member receive?
Q10: What are the PIL codes for MMers?
Q11: Which FTers are Million Mile Lifetime members?

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Q0: When did the Million Mile Lifetime program rollout?

The program was quietly rolled out in 2010 at around the same time this thread was started. There was no press release. There was no blast to members. Only those who had achieved MM status based on the requirements were communicated with directly.

Originally Posted by Andrew Yiu
As I had previously mentioned in the post on 2010 top tier benefits as well as during SE events, Air Canada will start recognizing customers who have demonstrated long term loyalty to Air Canada by flying significant amount of status miles on Air Canada operated flights including regional carriers such as Jazz since the inception of the Air Canada top tier program. Those who qualified for this program will be contacted directly by AC in the coming weeks as the mailing of the packages are not done in one batch; so if you didn't get anything yesterday, don't assume you didn't qualify. The number of members that qualified is extremely small relative to the overall membership base hence the details of the program are communicated directly with those who qualified and not communicated in a press release (as some of you have suggested). As for the core benefits of the program, the first post gave some pretty good description of it.

As to those who accused us of 'poor communication' 'embarassing communication day', members who qualified for this would have been contacted with a nicely presented package and again only very small group of customers qualified for this.
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Q1a: Where can I find my Million Miler Lifetime AQM total?

In your Altitude account (not Aeroplan), there is a special section labeled with a small "Million Mile Member" just underneath the "Priority Rewards Available" section.

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Q1b: Where can I find my Million Miler Lifetime AQM total?

When the program was launched in late 2010/early 2011, there was an email in which members could use to retrieve a list (Excel spreadsheet) of historical flights that went towards MM status.
This email is no longer in use by Air Canada. At this time, there is no officially known method in which an Altitude member can retrive a list of historical flights.

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Q2: Which types of AQM counts toward Million Miler Lifetime AQM?

From Air Canada:
Originally Posted by Air Canada Altitude
Fly more than one million Lifetime Altitude Qualifying Miles on eligible flights operated by Air Canada and you'll become part of this distinguished group. AQMs which are eligible for this program are those earned on flights operated by Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge and its regional affiliates (such as Air Canada Express) since 1988.

Additionally, AQMs earned as a bonus for purchasing Business Class fares, or in conjunction with the purchase of an Air Canada Unlimited Flight Pass, will count towards this program. Note that all other AQMs, including those earned for travel operated by the Star Alliance member airlines, do not qualify.
In other words, you need to fly on Air Canada operated metal (Mainline, Rouge, regional affiliates, etc.) with fare classes that earn AQM including Class of Service Bonus (COS), where applicable, or purchase a UFP (Unlimited Flight Pass) which accrues monthly flat rate AQMs (varies depending on fare category of the UFP - typically 10,000 AQM/Flex/month, 15,000 AQM/Latitude/month, 20,000 AQM/Business/Month, etc.).
Anything else, including AQM promotional bonuses, other AQM bonuses, Benefit package AQMs as part of flight pass purchases, flying other airline metal on Air Canada 014 ticket stock, etc., do not qualify.
Those who had status with CP had their relevant miles grandfathered as Lifetime miles.

Please note that AQS/segments do not count towards Lifetime status. There is currently no AQD requirement for Lifetime status.

Having said that, this is no easy feat given the strict requirements.

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Q3: What do I get when I reach Million Miler nirvana and when will I get my MM package?

The Million Miler packages have changed over time.
  • Once crossing over the 1MM threshold, you may receive an email acknowledging the achievement.
  • Your Altitude page should reflect 1MM shortly thereafter (depends on sweeps but can be as fast as a week but YMMV)
  • The MM package has been reported to be received approximately a few weeks following the MM threshold crossing, but again, YMMV.

Newly minted 1 Million Mile members typically get a scale model aircraft with the base engraved with your name along with the Million Miler designation. Prior to Dreamliners entering service with Air Canada, members received a model 777 aircraft. Since 2014/2015, new Million Mile members have received Air Canada Dreamliner models.
You will receive new luggage tags and a new member card reflecting the current status you are at (that is, no lower than E50K from that point onward) which include the Million Miles logo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.).
Additional eUpgrade credits are given.

Some members, at different MM levels, have reported receiving in-person celebrations courtesy of Air Canada at the airport after arriving from a flight that brought them over an MM threshold, in-flight recognition from the SD regardless of cabin, surprise recognition and gifts in the MLLs, etc.

Two Million and Three Million+ Milers have also anecdotally received various gifts, which have varied over the years.
Gifts may include additional eUpgrade credits, a selection from a list of gifts that have included items such as Bose products, jewellery, gift cards with significant value, etc.

It is certainly exciting to become a Million Mile member!

The most recent information is courtesy of 24left:

Originally Posted by 24left
Ooooooh, Fedex package arrived today........

Very exciting.

First thing you see inside the box

When you open the top, there is this

Then there is the multi-folded package. It has a very nice letter signed by Calin and Ben, along with these.

Yes, a huge thanks to my awesome friend [MENTION=484538]gabdusch[/MENTION] who had the creative talents to make sure these cards had my "name"


Ok, I'm excited now. It's Fin 801, the "first born". I flew her 4 years ago on my first ever flight to Tokyo HND.

Yes, I will take the time to assemble and let you all know how that worked out.

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Q4: What Privileges do I get as a Million Miler?

One Million Miles
Originally Posted by Air Canada Altitude
Your Altitude status will never fall below Elite 50K
Two Million Miles
Originally Posted by Air Canada Altitude
Your Altitude status will never fall below Elite75K, and that of a friend, will never fall below Elite 50K
Three Million Miles
Originally Posted by Air Canada Altitude
Your Altitude status will never fall below Super Elite 100K, and that of a friend will never fall below Elite 50K
Four Million Miles+
Originally Posted by Air Canada Altitude
Once you reach Four Million Miles, your Altitude status will never fall below Super Elite100K. The status of your previously nominated friend will never fall below Elite 75K. Keep flying to receive greater, additional recognition.
Five Million Miles
As of this initial wiki entry, there is only one known Five Million Miler.

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Q5: When I become a 2MMer, what is the process for gifting E50K Lifetime status to another person?

In your Altitude account, there will eventually be a link that allows you to nominate your E50K Lifetime status beneficiary.
Your beneficiary must have an Aeroplan account as their name and Aeroplan number is required, along with requisite contact/address information.
Once submitted, they will receive their package within several weeks.

Please note that this is the one and only beneficiary you will pick as they will receive this status for life. Pick wisely!
Furthermore, if you become a Four Million Mile member, then your beneficiary gets a boost from E50K Lifetime up to E75 Lifetime.

Your beneficiary will then be listed under the Million Mile member program details:

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Q6: How many Air Canada Million Mile members are there?

Air Canada has not officially published numbers on this.

Anecdotally, there is only one (1) Five Million Miler, John Segatti (this information is public, so don't get all wound up about publishing the member's name). This was achieved in December 2016.

The number of Four Million Milers is not known, although there will be one FT contributor who will reach this milestone shortly. This cohort would be definitely miniscule.

There is most likely no more than 50 Three Million Milers.

The number of Two Million Milers is unknown, although it is generally accepted, anecdotally, that it is much more rare than the ubiquitous One Million Miler.

The number of One Million Milers is anecdotally "large", but in the context of all members, this cohort is relatively small.

Here is a quote from @diddy; who did a somewhat reasonable Fermi estimate as of September 2018:

Originally Posted by diddy
These are always fun exercises. There has not been so far any way to know for sure. We can make a reasoned guesstimate, and I know this has been done on FT in the past. Including some who flame. Whatever. United forum did a MM roll-call thread in 2007 and came up with 300+ MM after 5 years of the thread (!) to 2012. It looks now like closer to double that in the posts since. I did not count. Based on this thread there are about 600+ 1MM. About 80 2MM and 20+3MM. Including one poor chap at 17MM. That is in a country with three major international carriers.

1. A minority of these people would be on FT.
2. Those that are on don't always post. I am super guilty of this.
3. The AC and UA ratios are even remotely similar, given Canada's lower population but longer travel distances and only one major international carrier.
4. Other threads here have estimated / had apparent information from Andrew Yiu that there are about 10,000 SE's and 35,000 people with status below SE annually.
5. Based on my frequent AC travel and bag tag gazing. Full disclosure : I am a newly minted AC2MM.
Based on this I will put forth the following:
1MM ~ 1250
2MM ~ 150
3MM ~ 20

Consider pot re-stirred.

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Q7: How do Air Canada Million Mile Lifetime members compare to other programs?

There are several members in the 10MM+ Lifetime range with several American carriers, for example. There is someone in the 17MM range.
So in perspective, Air Canada Million Mile members have a lot of catching up to do!

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Q8: Does/can the front-line staff and crew have the ability to distinguish between a 1MM vs. 2MM vs. 3MM vs. etc?
  • In short, no. The PIL only identifies a passenger as a "Million Miler", it does not distinguish between different MM tiers.
  • When scanning your BP at the gate prior to boarding your flight, the screen will only identify to the agent that you are a Million Mile member, regardless of MM tier.
  • The remarks section of your boarding pass simply shows "ACMM" regardless of MM tier.
  • For eUpgrade priority, the system does not distinguish between MM tiers. A 1MM is a 2MM is a 3MM, etc. They are all "MM".

It is possible that an AC employee may notice your MM tier off of your luggage tag, as this does happen from time to time. You might even be engaged in conversation with an AC employee who might inquire about which MM tier you are in.

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Q9: What additional benefits does a Million Mile Lifetime member receive?
  • The "ACMM" designation under the Remarks section of your boarding pass (small) stub. Anecdotally, this will start appearing on your boarding pass approximately a few weeks after reaching the milestone.
    Image courtesy of 24left
  • Higher status priority for eUpgrades than non-MM counterparts (i.e. SE MM trumps SE, E50K MM trumps E50K, etc.)
  • Higher onload list priority than non-MM counterparts as per above.
  • Your MM status will be on the PIL. See Q10.
  • Occasional recognition by the SD in J and sometimes in Y (typically this means that during J meal orders, they may acknowledge your MM status, and in Y, the SD may occsionally approach you mid-flight and thank you for your loyalty as a MMer)
  • As a Super Elite MM, your are at the top of the meal order taking protocol ahead of non-MM SEs (notwithstanding VIPs)

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Q10: What are the PIL codes for MMers?
  • P25K shows as AC*P
  • E35K shows as AC*F
  • E50K shows as AC*E; E50K MM shows as AC*EM
  • E75K shows as AC*D; E75K MM shows as AC*DM
  • S100K shows as AC*SE; S100K MM shows as AC*SM
  • VIP shows as AC*X; VIP MM shows as AC*XM

(note that only two letters can appear after the *, so AC*SE is NOT AC*SEM but instead is AC*SM)

Originally Posted by jlisi984
Yesterday, on YYZ-YYC, I noted the new designators on the manifest.

AC*P: Prestige
AC*F: 35K
AC*E: 50K
AC*D: 75K
AC*SE: S100K
Originally Posted by ACYYZ/SD
On the P.I.L. (Passenger Information List aka Manifest)

D = Elite 75K
M = Million Miler

DM = Elite 75k Million Miler
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Q11: Which FTers are Million Mile Lifetime members?

The current roll call thread can be found here.

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Million Miles Recognition from AC

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Old Aug 4, 2010, 11:34 am
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Million Miles Recognition from AC

Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wooden box, Recognition Letter, Special Edition Reduced Model of an AC777-300ER, 2 x SWU,2 x SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Plus, if I've read it correctly, Lifetime Elite Status regardless of Miles Flown!

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.
Toothlife likes this.

Last edited by Catch; Aug 4, 2010 at 12:03 pm
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 11:41 am
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Originally Posted by Catch
Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wood box with a Letter, Special Edition Reduce Model of AC777-300ER, SWU,SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.
That's a lot of flying. Seems like a nice gesture.
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:01 pm
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Originally Posted by Catch
Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wood box with a Letter, Special Edition Reduce Model of AC777-300ER, SWU,SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.

May I ask whether you also have "regular" SE status or did you become a SE after crossing the million miles threshold?

Maybe this is the lifetime status Andrew was talking about and we all were waiting for?
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:05 pm
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Originally Posted by Jasper2009

May I ask whether you also have "regular" SE status or did you become a SE after crossing the million miles threshold?

Maybe this is the lifetime status Andrew was talking about and we all were waiting for?
I've been an AC SE, every year, since 99 and I'm well over 1Million Miles.
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:07 pm
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Congrats! Well done ^

Any chance of posting pics? I'm curious to see what the wooden box looks like and the toys in it
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:12 pm
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But the thread title says 1,000,000 Million miles. Did you mean 1,000,000,000,000 miles? That's a LOT of miles!
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:19 pm
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1 million AC miles only or * miles credit to AC included ?
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:41 pm
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Originally Posted by Catch
Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wooden box, Recognition Letter, Special Edition Reduced Model of an AC777-300ER, 2 x SWU,2 x SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Plus, if I've read it correctly, Lifetime Elite Status regardless of Miles Flown!

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.
Congratulations! Thats a LOT of flying and miles!

Guessing AC finally started the lifetime status program? GREAT job AC ^
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:48 pm
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now, is that lifetime ELITE status or is that going to be lifetime SUPER ELITE status?

Originally Posted by Catch
Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wooden box, Recognition Letter, Special Edition Reduced Model of an AC777-300ER, 2 x SWU,2 x SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Plus, if I've read it correctly, Lifetime Elite Status regardless of Miles Flown!

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:52 pm
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Aeroplan Call Centre will now be swamped by queries: "how many miles do I have ?"
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 12:53 pm
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i reckon i have 250,000 miles give or take 30,000 miles....sigh long way to go....

very curious on this 'hidden' program.... am sure some SE that has flown on CP/AC do too!

Last edited by global happy traveller; Aug 4, 2010 at 1:00 pm
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 1:01 pm
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Originally Posted by Catch
Congratulations for having flown 1 Million Miles with Air Canada.

Just received a beautiful wooden box, Recognition Letter, Special Edition Reduced Model of an AC777-300ER, 2 x SWU,2 x SSWU upgrade coupons, AC SE Membership Card and Luggage Tags with a 1 Million Miles Logo.

Plus, if I've read it correctly, Lifetime Elite Status regardless of Miles Flown!

Well done AC, the gesture is well appreciated.
Whoa! 1,000,000 million? 1 000 000 000 000! wow!

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Old Aug 4, 2010, 1:17 pm
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Now that the Million Miles program has been officially launched (or so it appears), it would definitely be nice to hear from Andrew and / or AC and / or AP about the formal qualification criteria (AC / CP / COS / *A). Based on the number of posts on FT on this topic throughout the year I reckon there will be quite a number of packages sent out in the next few weeks.
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 2:30 pm
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Congratulations Monsieur Bingham! ^^^
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Old Aug 4, 2010, 2:32 pm
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Originally Posted by airbus320
Aeroplan Call Centre will now be swamped by queries: "how many miles do I have ?"

I should ask how many status segments I have
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