FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Lifetime Platinum miles?
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Old May 31, 2000, 9:38 pm
Join Date: Jul 1999
Programs: AA 1MM/Gold, Marriott Gold
Posts: 1,215
I admire your loyalty to TWA- 2.5 million miles is a lot on any airline. I am now several hundred thousand miles into my million-mile quest, and hope to reach the mark within the next 10 years. I am also cautiously optomistic that the airline will be around for some time. I think that the fundamentals are in place to finally start making some money. Would be great the stock price, which I am currently taking a big hit on, but thinking of buying more. As the old saying goes, long into the future there will be but 3 airlines in the US, "United, American and the financially troubled TWA." With the wave of consolidation that seems to be around the corner, this statement rings even truer now.
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