Originally Posted by
good luck to her. What a way to start a medical career.”
She worked at Time Square taking care of AIDs and metal patients before going into Medical School, and have been in middle east refugee camp and Africa for some time. She chose SF General because of the homeless population, did not expect to serve luxury cruise guests.
Originally Posted by
Given that N95 masks are in short supply, is it feasible to reuse them? I would only wear them when taking public transportation to and from work so 1 hour each day. I was thinking of spraying aerosolized disinfectant on them. Seems better than wiping or washing them. Stupid idea?
Unless the public transportation is crowded with several infected passengers, the N95 is likely unnecessary. The pathogen density needs be high enough to cause infection, which usually happens in a hospital setting especially when the patient opens mouth to do diagnosis. PM2.5 particles have terminal velocity around 0.1 mm/sec, or up to 10 minutes suspension in the air then they have to fall within about two meters. It is not not that easy to accumulate heavy enough aerosol load in the air from a patient to hurt you. The risk of infection through contact and through droplets are far larger. This is why the DP (and now GP) infection rate is not so much because people are breathing the same air. It is the contact.