FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Master thread COVID-19/Coronavirus; travel waivers, route changes, AC impacts
Old Jan 24, 2020, 12:19 pm
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: YVR
Programs: OZ Diamond, Jiffypark Manhattan Gold
Posts: 4,487
Apr 3-6th I have BKK-CAN-WNZ-TPE-SEA-YVR on an AP ticket. I booked it that way partially to try and hit all the Star carriers (there's a ZH flight in there which I'm missing and a TG 350 I wanna try) and I had no issue spending 24 hours in Guagzhou (actually kinda wanted to, city looks kinda cool) and 24 hours in Wenzhou (never heard of it, but I have a Chinese visa and how bad can 24 hours be, had to do this to lineup with the BR availability) but now I'm a LITTLE more weary of that.

I'll call them when I get home from my current trip, but my dates are outside of the waiver, and does anyone have experience with waivers and if/how they extend to AP tickets? Are they gonna insist my new itinerary has award availability? I know that's always a sticky situation but when it comes to cancelled flights and stuff they are usually pretty good about just paying to replace flights. Cuz of course now there isn't really availability and whatever availability exists is all via China, which kinda defeats the purpose.
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