FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Just How Safe Is TSA Security?
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Old May 3, 2018, 12:36 pm
Boggie Dog
FlyerTalk Evangelist
Join Date: Mar 2008
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Just How Safe Is TSA Security?

TSA gropes the genitals of men, women, and children looking for WEI which includes knives yet airport workers have free access, almost no chance of screening, and can carry in almost any kind of weapon they wish.

Why is it that TSA claims to protect air travelers when the reality is that TSA doesn't even come close to meeting its mandated obligations to the public?

Man knifed on tarmac at Philadelphia airport.

"Police say a fight in a break room on the tarmac between three Worldwide Flight Services employees, who are contracted by Frontier Airlines to clean planes, led to the fatal stabbing."
"Police say a 35-year-old man stabbed his 28-year-old co-worker in the stomach, most likely with a box cutter."
Box cutter!! The exact same weapon that was used on 9/11 to take over the aircraft that day and here 17 years later the exact same weapon is in the secure area of this airport.

Exactly what does the public get from the $8,000,000,000.00 taxpayer dollars that TSA gets each year?

TSA's answer to date when asked about screening airport workers: "It's too hard."
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