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Old May 30, 2015, 3:19 pm
FlyerTalk Evangelist
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by Deekh8
EWR was the worst, when I had one last leg from an around the world trip (I never sleep on planes) and the lady said sorry this lane is only 1K, I responded that's nice now please move, she then responded sir please go to the other counter, I said how about you shut your mouth and don't assume I'm not a 1K. She was stunned and I proceeded to check in. I will show no respect to people that act like this.
wow... the woman is just doing her job. Its her job to check credentials. Show them, and be done with it.
I've never had staff question anything really, even in my 20s. And if they asked, are you 1K, or are you in business... I'd say yes, and that was that, without the need to be rude.

Its always been same type of fellow pax - the cheap suits who fly around presenting power points, and selling widgets, and are so self-important, they feel the need to protect the "elitness" of lines, lineups, etc.

I dont really know it had/has to do with age, but also with the fact that these people dont understand people can fly a lot for fun, and not just for work, and it bugs them when one doesnt fit the mold of the "work flyer"
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