FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Prepaid REDcard (Target) 2015-2016
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Old Apr 14, 2015, 5:54 pm
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: JFK / LGA
Posts: 124
Originally Posted by NoonRadar
It's unfortunate for NYC-ers but even at one load per day, Redbird is the best in the game right now (monthly limit is still $5K), unless you have to go too much out of your way to get to a Target that lets you do that.

For us who have 2-3 Targets on the way to work/gym, that limit if implemented means nothing, we'll just hit the breaks and park our cars a few more times a month to generate otherwise effortless benefits.

Plus, NYC has started implementing restrictions store by store since beginning of Feb, nothing has changed since for the vast majority of the Target stores elsewhere, so this doesn't suggest an inevitable wave but instead individual store policies based on NYC I'm guessing the circumstance dictating the tore policy change is sheer volume of overall customers which also means a large volume of people who load Redbird not just for points but also (likely) for fraud.
Yeah, having to do 1 load per day is not really the deal breaker. It's the fact that it takes 1.5 hrs out of my day (going out of my way) that is making it harder. I do have 2 Redbirds and I guess I will have to load them during my trips to Jersey. Hit a whole bunch of different Targets.
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