FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - IC Presidente Mexico City Master Thread [merged]
Old Feb 23, 2015, 8:24 am
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 510
Originally Posted by danielmadrid07
Question is- The distances. Will we be THAT far away (IE: expensive cab rides everywhere) from the major touristic sites/shopping/etc? I also plan to do some night clubbing in the gay district so would like to be relatively close to these clubs/pubs.

Mom is more interested in shopping/museums/culture, whereas I will be hitting up the night life.
It is not a question of distance (it is not THAT far), but a question of time - it can potentially take you hours to go from Santa Fe to other places in the city... unless you have business in Santa Fe, I would strongly advise against staying there if your main interests are museums and gay nightlife.

That said, cabs are cheaper than in the US, and Uber also works well.
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