FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Any winnowing of elites noticed so far this year [2015]?
Old Feb 16, 2015, 1:40 am
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: CO
Programs: UA OG-1K, Marriott Plat, Hertz PC
Posts: 1,360
Originally Posted by CO_Nonrev_elite
Upgrades are not hard to come by due to the amount of elites, upgrades are hard to come by because United will offer cheap buyups to anyone and basically keep dropping the price until someone buys it before they will let anyone get it for free.
My CPUs are at 33%, but that doesn't factor in an expiring GPU and a buy-up that I did, otherwise I would be at about 25%. I have been #1 on some of those upgrade lists, once with a pretty low fare class.

I think I need to re-adjust my expectations. Be amazed at upgrades instead of expecting them.

I do have a GPU set up for a TATL, but that is on LH metal- which seems to be the best way to use GPUs.

I just wish that UA would get it over with and go to a CPU-less system and just give more RPUs that clear ahead of the 24 hour window.

I'm on something like 70-90 domestic legs. Give 1Ks something like 20RPUs that have a high chance of clearing before they start bidding them out.

UA only cares about F seats sold and GSers- groups that largely overlap. Everything else is going to get dollarized. I fully expect that they will start sending out statements about how much they have 'given' or 'saved' us by E+ seats ($50 pop), baggage fees (whether or not we have checked bags- "We saved you up to $ = #Flts multiplied #Free bags multiplied $baggage fee") and CPU/GPU upgrades (F fare at time of clearing minus fare actually paid). I'm guessing that some people's numbers (especially with the bag possible allowance) would be higher than the fares that we've paid.

ETA: I have met a 1K that will lose his status for 2015. Since he was flying Y to India and back mostly, he could make the miles, but not the spend. I bet there are more than a few that run that route that will fall off. I guess this won't make more elites, so it is a 'positive' for those of us that survive, but I agree that they buy ups will more than swamp the upgrades.

Plus, how high will the spend be for 2016 travel? Are they going to keep raising it 25% a year? I have already seen lower fares this year- it could really start to be a factor for more fliers.
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