FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Simple: The next pre-paid to rival Bluebird?
Old Mar 29, 2014, 6:50 pm
Join Date: Mar 2013
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Originally Posted by PtsJunkieWI
Am I missing something? Does Simple have a bill pay mechanism?? None that I've found on their site/app, but would love to be wrong.

As an update, haven't heard back since "investigation" started several weeks ago and I sent in my explanation. Took a hiatus on transactions but recently restarted, using only Usps MOs and not for full thou. Also starting to use the card for a few real transactions (Evolve, for example).

Regarding that, if you're using Evolve for mortgages/car loans, mix in several debits cards for the multi-payments. Spread the love around your MS herd.

Guess that makes me an "old timer" now. Nearing the 2month mark.
Absolutely has bill pay feature. Look under "move money". Easy to add CC to pay.
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