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Old Nov 17, 2013, 2:52 pm
Join Date: May 2013
Location: BOS
Posts: 317
So many of these posts are outrageous. Why, if you're accustomed to tipping 20-25% (as some have posted) would you have any objection to an 18% tip already being included and then you tip a couple extra bucks to make up for the normal 20-25%?

Just as conversely if you're tipping that well and you don't receive perfect service, now you don't have to tip the 20-25%, it's only 18%.

My gut feeling is that those "claiming" they tip so well in reality don't and they're upset about not having the control over it.

And to the poster that earlier suggested you could cross out the auto-grat and write whatever lesser amount you can't do that and the fact you do is disgusting. Restaurants don't just surprise you at the end of the meal with an auto-grat. It's written on any menu you receive prior to ordering. If you don't like it, PLEASE go to Varsity or McDonalds where we don't have to be near you.

I don't think many understand the tip-out policy that most servers go through at the end of their shift. Servers are required to tip-out Bartenders, Bussers and Host/Hostess staff, that 18% (which is ONLY calculated on the food/beverage portion, not taxes) quickly drops to 12-14% that they take home. With the majority of travelers being single, you can only imagine how low the tips can be for a server that gets 2-3 tables sat with 1 person who has nothing but time to kill waiting for a connection and takes up a table where they only make $5-$8 of a tip. Give these people a break. The fact that you would deny them 18% is abhorrent.

Last edited by RSSrsvp; Nov 17, 2013 at 5:01 pm Reason: attempt to avoid the FT profanity filter
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