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Old Oct 2, 2012, 7:50 pm
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 15
Citi application declined, worth reconsideration?

So my girlfriend just applied for the TYP Visa and was denied. She did not do the two browser trick because she does not want four cards at the same time. She has a credit score of 819. The reasons were too few accounts currently paid as agreed and too many accounts with balances. She has three active accounts. One revolving account had a balance of 200 dollars and the other 500 dollars. She already paid them off in full and always does. She has an auto loan with less than 1000 left on the balance. She earns 34k per year and has rent of 700. Her average revolving credit history is 4 years right now.

My question is should she write a reconsideration letter or should she attempt to have the application reapplied to the MC version of the card?
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