FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - TSA debuts new full-body scanner software
Old Feb 2, 2011, 2:31 pm
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 2,425
Originally Posted by barbell
Therefore, if the current one looks like a chalk outline, why in the world would they need software to make it look like a chalk outline?
maybe TSA meant chalk as in the chalk the sidewalk artists use, you know, in those highly detailed 3D drawings...."from the look of those jewels, that must be Bert"

The problem with these sort of lies, misleading statements, and dam*ed lies, is that it will take years for TSA to rebuild any credibility with its critics. You can see the disbelief in the posters here if TSA so much as claims the sky is blue. It torques the TSA defenders here, but how else are we to assess statements by an agency that does not do what it says, does do what it says it doesn't, makes promises it doesn't keep, and hides its customer-impacting operating procedures so they get blindsided at every turn?

"we expect WBI to be used only for secondary screening"...
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