FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Those of you who don't mind nude scans -- where DO you draw the line?
Old Jan 3, 2010, 6:26 pm
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 250
948+4372= EVEN 5,320 ( US only)Soldiers killed, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS, nearly a MILLION fighting, couldn't prevent a terrorist attack on a commercial airliner.

Minor threats and rather amateurish efforts at attacks have succeeded, not in downing an airliner, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, have caused the WHOLE WORLD to tremble in fear, strip each other, treat each other like criminals, spend untold amounts of money, made flying a totally unpleasant exercise in endurance, suspended our human and civil rights as innocent citizens, dismissed treating people with dignity and respect and generally turned us into passive, submissive sheeple afraid to freely even speak, individually surveilled and judged even on common demeanor under zero tolerance jackbooted overseers.

Frankly, I would take the odds and my chances on my flight getting attacked by a "panty bomber" (and the passengers stopping it from succeeding) If things could return to the "pre-terrorism" treatment of passengers by both the airlines and the government. THE "CURE" IS WORSE THAN THE FRIGGIN THING THEY WISH TO PREVENT!

UNTOLD numbers of people get killed worldwide driving cars and motorcycles and the "absolute prevention" of all those deaths would probably put us all hoofing it to get around, but the "safety at any cost" nuts would be happy.

I DON'T WANT ANYONE IN MY PANTIES, MY POCKETS, MY PURSE, MY SUITCASE, MY COMPUTER, MY PRIVATE THINGS. I don't want to submit to "nudie peep machine" exams or strangers patting me down. Unless they have evidence sufficient for a warrant, I want to LOCK MY SUITCASE and be secure in my person, effects and privacy. I wanted to be treated with dignity and respect and catered to as a PAYING CUSTOMER who must be wooed with service to keep returning to that airline.

I want it back the way it used to be. EVEN IF YOU THROW IN THE 911 deaths the threat nowhere even comes close to the automobile deaths in just a single month worldwide, let alone ten years of this sh*t treatment of people. We haven't gone JACK SH*T CRAZY, PARANOID about stopping every single potential auto accident yet, and neither should we.

I just wish they had a selective line that offered passengers to "OPT OUT" of secuity and fly on planes that "you pays your money and takes your chances" without all the security theater, and KEEPING all your rights as a citizen and person.

Hell, if even 3,000 people a year died in terrorist aircraft incidents it wouldn't be a tenth of the number(50,000 a year, just in USA) you don't mind dying for your privacy and right to drive.

Last edited by AINITFUNNY; Jan 3, 2010 at 6:35 pm
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