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Old Jun 21, 2000, 1:20 am
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Indianapolis, In USA...UAL 1P,
Posts: 131
Point Stretcher INFO Frustration

I got my statement today complete with the July through December point stretcher brochure that we all anxiously wait for. But, much to my disappointment, it didn't include the usual breakdown of properties and dates. It instead said, "...For a current list of participating Point Stretcher hotels, and Point Stretcher dates, simply visit or call HHonors Automated Account Inquiry Line and request Faxback document #109..."

My first thought was just a tinge of frustration...What should be, and has been a no-brainer, non-thinking activity will now take time and effort. But hey, I'm living in the 2000s and am connected...I can do this.

Well, a good rule in marketing and web design is that when you send people to a specific web sight to get SPECIFIC information, it should be only a few clear, specific clicks away...if not only one click away! So my tinge of frustration increased just a bit more when I had to hunt and peck way too many clicks to even begin to find a Point Stretcher link. And when it's finally found, what was listed in the brochure as simple, become a project that would take hours. THERE IS NO LIST. You have to go state-by-state, then by property-by-property or country-by-country, property-by-property, individually. Who has the time???? And what use is that format if you're looking to plan travel around Point Stretcher dates??? Isn't that the purpose???

Hilton, lets take a pause in the regular scheduled program and reflect about our market..."We run a hotel loyalty program targeted to busy people who obviously travel a lot and are thus very, we want to make the use of our program VERY easy for busy people. We work hard on the brand identity and want to protect a positive brand experience for our clients at all times and at reasonable cost. Now back to the regularly scheduled program:

Well, OK. I'm busy, I've wasted 40 minutes, but I have a phone and a FAX and if Hilton is trying to save a some printing and postage cost, as well as a few trees...I'll try the FAX back "HHonors Automated Account Inquiry Line." Well, my tinge of frustration has now grown to full blown annoyance. When you get the FAX its for the six months that have just expired!!!!!!!

What should have taken, and use to take three minutes to review and file for future reference has now taken an hour, with ZERO results.

I am a reasonable, open minded person, and if you think my frustration is over kill, please humble me if you think I'm over reacting. I just think that we, as people who basically spend months of our lives every year in Hilton properties, appreciate not having to jump through more hoops unnecessarily.

Well, I feel better already !!!

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