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Old Mar 30, 2009, 11:16 pm
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 551
Originally Posted by eLSid
I'm an EE taking a family trip next month. I need a minivan at LAX. At times I've been down EA/ES and there have been nothing but minivans, other times none. The current midsize rate is $188/wk, the minivan rate is $580(for a 8 seater). I fly into LAX at night, pick up the family the next morning. Is it allowed to make two reservations one for the midsize, one for the van, and if there's a minivan in EA/ES, just take it, and if not, just pick up the minivan and tell the gate agent to cancel the other reservation?

If I had to, I could make one reservation for the night before, the other the night after. Any insight would be appreciated.
Not a highly desireable scenario...because if there is something going on to be utilizing the bulk of their could be keeping someone out of a car. Think of it in reverse, what if it were you trying to get a car and You couldn't book as others had double booked? Just something to think about.

There is nothing that says you can't do it though.

We see more and more double and triple bookings these days since ppl can book their own reservations online. Many ppl book with multiple companies and go with whomever has the "shortest line" upon arrival.
When a city has some special event going on and cars are in short supply or everyone is sold out, it breaks my heart to have to tell some family on vacation or someone who had to travel last minute due to a family medical emergency that wasn't saavy to what was going on in town that they can't get a car or they have to spend a huge amount of their budget just to get a vehicle.

I know bookings are done for convenience but please try to think of the flip side of the coin.
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