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The Daily Coronavirus Story: Long-Distance Haircuts

Long Distance Haircut Coronavirus

Whether you’ve sworn off travel or are taking advantage of the great deals, we can all agree that the coronavirus has brought on strange times. So we’re featuring the most eye-brow raising coronavirus story we hear each day and reminding you that if you want useful information on coronavirus travel, you should check out FlyerTalk’s page dedicated to all things coronavirus–from flight cancellations to reports from the ground in Wuhan–Coronavirus/COVID-19 Thread


With China no longer on lockdown businesses have reopened and lives are, slowly, attempting to get back to a sense of normalcy. Despite the lockdown being lifted, China is still ordering many businesses to rethink their practices, requiring that customers and workers keep a 1.5-meter distance; barbershops have been no exception.

Viral videos showcase the lengths (5 feet to be exact) barbers are going to in order to keep their doors open.

The long-distance haircut, which involves attaching clippers to the end of a long stick or broom and looks to require quite a bit of skill, allows customers to obtain a haircut while the barbers maintain the required distance. This practice, though seemingly difficult, allows for these small businesses to stay open amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Funny? Yes. Impressive? Absolutely. Effective against the spread of this new disease? Appears so.

To keep up to date on all things air-travel, make sure to check out the FlyerTalk Forums and for continued coronavirus updates, view our Coronavirus Forum.