LHR Airport handles most of the world's international traffic and is the primary hub for Virgin Atlantic, BMI, and British Airways. Traveling nearly 3.5 million people annually to and from JFK Airport in New York City, LHR serves as a vital link between Europe and the United States. If London is your destination, then LHR airport is your best option as the airport is located only 14 miles west of the fascinating tourist city!

On Flyertalk you will find the cheapest flights with LHR and some invaluable advice on how to navigate your way through not only the United Kingdom's busiest airport, but the third busiest airport in the world! Get all the information you need to have a fun, worry free, traveling experience from Flyertalkers on Flyertalk.com!
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  • London Heathrow Airport
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  • London Airports
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    This page contains a single entry published on February 12, 2009 12:54 PM.

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