Cheapest/easiest transport from SFO to Santa Rosa?

Arriving SFO on a mid-September Monday ~4pm; departing SFO on a 4:30pm flight on Thursday.

Best/cheapest/easiest transport options to get to Santa Rosa? Friend's house is about a mile from the Santa Rosa airport.

Any recommendations, pro or con?
I'd take the shuttle. My daughter did this a couple years ago to get from SFO to Santa Rosa to meet me.
If you want to go the "cheap" route, Golden Gate Transit buses run from downtown San Francisco to Santa Rosa at $8.40 one way. I see them on the highway up there when I visit my brother in Windsor.
Quote: If you want to go the "cheap" route, Golden Gate Transit buses run from downtown San Francisco to Santa Rosa at $8.40 one way. I see them on the highway up there when I visit my brother in Windsor.
They do, but the boarding points closest to the airport are in an obscure part of town that isn't dangerous but isn't that nice either. I also suspect that SamTrans doesn't match up to GG transit on this route.

That being said, the GG transit route is reasonably rapid once you get on -- a few stops in SF, one at the GG bridge, then mostly express.

Maybe you could take Marin Airporter and intersect with the GG transit in Marin somewhere, the GG transit bus makes a few stops in Marin.

Research will definitely be required!

Let's be honest, easiest would be to rent a car.
Good points all.

This is for Mrs. cblaisd, and she would prefer not to rent a car and would not be up for anything that involved even not-obscure transferring.

After all, I suggested to her that she do it the way I did last spring: BART to Richmond, Amtrak to Emeryville, Amtrak bus to Santa Rosa.

Her response is not printable.
Quote: Good points all.

This is for Mrs. cblaisd, and she would prefer not to rent a car and would not be up for anything that involved even not-obscure transferring.

After all, I suggested to her that she do it the way I did last spring: BART to Richmond, Amtrak to Emeryville, Amtrak bus to Santa Rosa.

Her response is not printable.
I agree with her response, that sounds WAY out of the way. If BART connects with GG transit, it would be somewhere near the Van Ness/Market St. BART stop -- I believe the GG transit route has one stop in that area. Again, not the most welcoming part of SF but probably a lot faster than going via Richmond.
Quote: Arriving SFO on a mid-September Monday ~4pm; departing SFO on a 4:30pm flight on Thursday.

Best/cheapest/easiest transport options to get to Santa Rosa? Friend's house is about a mile from the Santa Rosa airport.

Any recommendations, pro or con?
Tell Mrs. Cblaisd to just get on the airport express bus. Link above. Everyone uses them, if they do not want to rent a car. They pick you up at the airport (SFO) and drop you off in front of the Santa Rosa airport. No fuss, no muss.