Calling it quits (USToday)

Reno's QQuick Miles frequent-flier program will end on Dec. 31, four months after American takes over Reno.

All members will automatically be enrolled in the American AAdvantage frequent-flier plan, and all Reno elite-level members will retain their elite status.
how about listing with them now, getting an entry-bonus (is there any?) and have that bonus then automatically transfered into your AA-account?
Good idea. But too late. The enrollment bonus is no longer being offered. See

Too late Rudi

You have to be quick to get free miles or they disappear!

cheers Peter

They merge Aug 31. A customer service agent from AA told me today that QQ awards would be honored by AA for anywhere AA flies domestically.
I saw a Reno Air plane once.

Does this add to my post count?
YES!!!!!!!!! It does.
Quote: YES!!!!!!!!! It does.
Hey, mine too!
Count me in too.
You guys are BAD! Post count does not count towards elite status on your airline of choice. Pthhtttt!
But didn't you add to YOUR post count TOO?