Listing of those who would like to be on a contact list

List yourself as an interested party who is willing to take some action. No specified action now, but it will probably be graduated from emails/letters/calls to future steps. No obligation to participate--just a listing so we can develop a private contact list. You should probably stand to suffer some loss of tickets or mileage so we are a similar "class" of people.

Count me in...
Im up for it!!!
Put me on the list
I'm in! - Bobarb
im in
Please Add Me to the List
Add Me Too.
I would like to be on the private contact list also.
Count me in as well.
Please include me: Ready for action!
Please add me to the list.
Count me in.
And of course me and my friends !
You bet I'm in!
please add me to the list
me too!