NYC Alleycats please convene for FTer's Film at Asian American Film Festival July 23

Our own Flyertalker Lokahi's film, A Most Unlikely Hero is returning to NYC for the Asian American International Film Festival on Friday July 23. It will be shown at 12:30 pm (yes, that's a Friday in the middle of the day) at the ImaginAsian Theater, located in Manhattan 239 East 59th Street (btn 2nd and 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY 10021

Lokahi will be in town Thursday night through Saturday and I would love to arrange some events. I saw the film last time it was here, and was just bowled over by it. It is a truly incredible and very inspirational story that has taken over 12 years to tell. There will be a Q&A with the director and subject of the film after. To me that was one of the best parts!

Anyone around and have any suggestions?????

Here is the link to the
Film Festival Site

And here is a description of the film:
Heroism, as Bruce Yama****a showed, isn't limited to the battlefield. Bruce just wanted to serve his country as a Marine Corps officer. Because of his race and ethnicity, he was denied the chance. Instead of giving up, he waged a lonely, five-year battle against discrimination in the Marine Corps, uncovering evidence of widespread discrimination that rocked the Corps. By standing for equal opportunity, fairness, and justice—fundamental principles of democracy—he served patriotism's highest calling, challenged the nation's powerful institutions, and emerged a most unlikely hero.
N,R,W,4,5,6 to 59th Street
F to 63rd Street/Lexington Ave.
E,V 53rd Street

207 East 59th Street
300 East 59th Street
I was sorry to have missed the movie last time around.
I don't yet know if I'll have the fortune to actually make it this time either, but will know a little closer to the date. So please put me on the tentative list.
Seeya, I've sent you an email. Hopefully we can coordinate something.
Free tickets...
I've got four tickets to the screening...I guess it's my only perk as an invited director so CozumelJen one is yours, and if anyone else wants one, let me know.