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Marriott to Sponsor World Trip for Pokémon Master

A tech professional from Brooklyn has scored a trip to catch the remaining Pokémon that are not available in the US.

Playing Pokémon Go does have its benefits. According to USA Today, Brooklyn-based Nick Johnson – who reportedly caught all 142 Pokémon available in North America – will be sponsored by Marriott Rewards as he embarks on a worldwide trip in order to catch the remaining Pokémon that are not available in the US.

A Marriott spokesperson has confirmed the trip, so that Johnson can catch Mr. Mime, Farfetch’d and Kangaskhan—these rare pocket monsters are reportedly available only in Europe, Asia and Australasia, respectively.

Johnson has worked hard to catch all Pokémon available and says that he feels great. “I was getting a lot of rest and exercise and meeting new people. I’m a lot healthier—I think I lost about 8-10 pounds.” According to USA Today, the player walked an average of 8 miles per day since the game was released on July 6.

As for advice to his fellow trainers, Johnson mentioned that talking to other players is essential. “I probably wouldn’t be here, having caught them all, if I hadn’t got those great tips like the Dratinis in Jersey City,” Johnson said.

Being a tech professional, Johnson says that his passion for platforms like these are a big part of what motivated him to play the game as much as he did. Besides growing up playing the Pokémon games, of course.

[Photo: Pokemon.com]

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