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Transcript of April 12th FlyerTalk Live! Chat

With special guests Robert Sahadevan and Jim Davidovich from United Mileage Plus

Jump to the last 15 minutes w/ Randy Petersen

Jump to the "post chat" w/ Jim Davidovich

Randy Petersen
Welcome to the April edition of FlyerTalk Live!. It is without a doubt, a great day for FlyerTalk to have United Mileage Plus join us tonight. As a Premier Executive member myself, I am looking forward to seeing what our guests, Robert Sahadevan (President of Mileage Plus) and Jim Davidovich (Manager of Airline Partnerships) have to say. United Mileage Plus is a program that has earned much respect around the industry. In fact, it is a three-time Freddie Award winning frequent flyer Program of the Year. So please welcome both Robert and Jim tonight on FlyerTalk Live!

Robert Sahadevan
Randy, thanks for the opportunity to engage your members. Before coming to United, I was a management consultant in Boston and held elite status in MP and Dividend Miles - funny how things work out. Back then as a user, I always had tough questions I wanted answered. So, I've asked Jim Davidovich, my Manager of Airline Partnerships and veteran of the MP program, to join me. Between both of us I hope we can answer the things you've been dying to know!!

Randy Petersen
Jim is very well known among FlyerTalkers....he was the most popular guy at last years Freddies... So, let's get right to the questions.....

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by cblaisd: There are many discussions on FlyerTalk of whether 500 mile e-upgrade certs can be used to upgrade someone not traveling on the same PRN with you or who is not a traveling companion on a particular flight. The Upgrade page on is ambiguous, simply saying that if you are using an e-upgrade cert from another person's MP account, he/she must authorize it. So... Can one's 500 miler e-upgrade certs be used for someone else (e.g., if you are flying somewhere, can you give me your PNR and can I then go to a United CTO * and authorize your upgrade request from my account?) Thanks.

Jim Davidovich
Thank you Randy...This is an excellent question and one that we have been hearing from many members. When we developed the e-upgrade process we wanted to ensure that we did not take away features from our members just because we went electronic from paper. So we took a bit longer to get to market to get it right. YES you may give your e-upgrades to a person on another PNR and not traveling with you. But to keep fraud issues in check we are requiring that this be done in person at an airport or CTO. While we know this is not the most convenient it is necessary to prevent widespread fraud. You only need to know the persons PNR or flight number and the agent can add the upgrade request to the record. We continue to look for ways to improve this process. Keep in mind that if the person is not traveling with you their upgrade will clear based on the fares and time frame of their own Premier status not yours. Thanks for the question.

Will United consider changing its policy of not allowing PremEx's, 1K's, etc. to keep family members attached to their records the day of a flight so the family member can upgrade along with the 1K, PremEx. As it is now, if the upgrade for the member with status hasn't cleared before 24 hours before the flight, the family member is on their own in terms of getting upgraded??

Jim Davidovich
While this is a great benefit there are technical constraints currently that prevent us from doing this. We are seeking ways to do this for the future but not in the immediate future. Thanks for the question.

As a 100k flyer, this question is extremely important to me: Given the fact that United lowered its mileage qualification status levels -- last year, 84k for 100k, has this saturated the premier membership base? How does this effect those of us that flew way beyond the original mileage requirements.

Robert Sahadevan
Clearly last summer was a highly unusual event for United, one that we, and the industry, are working to ensure does not repeat itself. As the discussion on these boards attest, there were many ways to handle the difficulty in flying United. We decided to lower the thresholds for Premier qualification. In addition for those who made the standard criteria, they were offered a special "gift" - I believe giving customers a choice in their gift was an industry first. To our pleasant surprise, the vast majority of our Premiers stayed loyal to United. The Premier population growth is inline with the historic growth. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Mel Kline: I have been flying United since 1941 and was one of the original members of the predecessor 100,000 mile club. I recently tried to use some of my accumulated miles to make a business class reservations for my wife and myself to fly to Newark in June, only to be told that the two possible flights I wanted were not available, even though your web site showed almost all seats available on the seating charts. I think this is an "unfriendly" for the Friendly Skies airline to treat a long time loyal United patron who almost always elects to fly his favorite airline. What can you do about this? I look forward to your reply on the April 12 seminar.

Robert Sahadevan
Nice to see one of our most loyal flyers. The 100,000 mile club only started in 1939. Flying 100,000 miles in 1941 was a lot harder than today! (Actually, the club recognized a person's total flight miles on any carrier). Now to answer your question. The web site does show unsold seats, and you can book those at the Standard Award seat level - no blackout dates or capacity controls. It seems you were trying to book a Saver Award and those have capacity controls. In exchange for capacity controls, the mileage costs are lower. The truth is that Business and First Class seats sell closer to departure and while it may look like the cabin is empty months in advance it will fill up as we move closer to departure. If flights do not match forecasted demand more seats are opened for award travel as the departure date approaches. But we want to stress that any seat available to sell IS available for award travel on a Standard award. United and Mileage Plus continue to be among the industry leaders in making award seats available. Thanks for the question.

Are there any plans to rationalize awards among the Star Alliance airlines? Right now each airline has its own award schedule and unlike other alliances, one cannot fly outbound on one carrier and return on another. Also flying to a destination on two airlines requires essentially redeeming two awards. Any hope for the future?

Jim Davidovich
Yes we are working on a system that we hope to announce soon. We want an award redemption product that is easy to use and understand. Stay tuned as we are excited about what is coming. Thanks for the question.

How will mileage be determined when the merger is complete with USAir? Will you be accepting their frequent flier miles?

Robert Sahadevan
Yes, we will be accepting US Airways miles. The exact timing is dependent upon DOJ approval and system integration issues. Thanks for the question

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by kevin adams: When do dividend miles get transferred to mileage + miles and when does united take over us airways?

Robert Sahadevan
Because the merger has not been approved by the appropriate authorities, we ask that you stay tuned for mailings and announcements about merger integration plans. Thanks for the question.

Non expiration of miles was a big improvement, could this be extended to 500 mile e-upgrades as's frustrating to earn them for international travel and have them expire because of not flying domestically enough in the next year or trying to use them and not getting the upgrade.

Robert Sahadevan
It's a good thought, we'll have to look at that - we'll take it up with our inventory management folks. Ready for the next question

If the US/UA merger is approved before the end of the year, will next year's status be based on the combined miles/segments on both US and UA?

Robert Sahadevan
We look forward to recognizing the loyalty that people have shown to both United and US Airways. Because the timing is uncertain, all I can tell you now is that this is an important priority for us and will determine it when we have DOJ approval. Sorry I can't be more definitive. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Amy Backus: When you do the priority list for upgrades, you consolidate all of the 1Ks into one pool and then rank based on the fare basis for the flight. This means a person who flew 84,001 miles last year, but booked late is ahead of a someone who flew 200,000 miles last year, but booked early. Why is this? Why do you not prioritize based on how many miles you flew last year, and then some other criteria. For example, within 1K, have the computer group the 84,000-100,000 folks, the 100,000-125,000 folks, the 125,000 to 150,000 etc. Then those of us who were loyal to you last year would be higher on the list.

Robert Sahadevan
The ranking for upgrade clearance is a hierarchical process based first on your Premier level, second on your fare code, and third on the time you requested the upgrade. It's a dynamic process and on day of departure it changes as people check-in. For example a 1K can be bumped down the upgrade list by another 1K who has paid a higher fare even though she may have requested the upgrade earlier. Thanks for the question.

AA accepts miles from their partner US Air so that the mileage can be combined to allow a traveller to have her 25,000 miles for a domestic flight if she doesn't have enough in either/or program. Why isn't this a common practise and especially with United since I am accumulating miles with them

Robert Sahadevan
If you are referring to US Air and United today, we don't have that approval to do that. You are right, we don't do this with our Star partners today. I don't really have a good answer why we don't, but we'll take your suggestion to the next Star meeting. thanks for the question

United has a program to recognize those flyers who have flown over 1,000,000 actual miles on United. Is there a recognition program for those flying over 2,000,000 miles?

Robert Sahadevan
Currently we do not. Thanks for the question

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Amy Backus: Why do you not allow for double upgrades? If we have coupons or miles we want to use, then by letting us do this, it would lessen United's liability.

Robert Sahadevan
Because it reduces the incentive to buy actual First and Business Class tickets, we do not allow double upgrades. Thanks for the question.

Any comments on possible future Star alliance new members like Swissair? Do you see a maximum number of partners being part of Star Alliance

Jim Davidovich
We currently do not have plans to add more Star Partners. We have a great group of partners and will focus more on integration issues among the 15 current partners. Thanks for the question.

question: will ual consider a partnership with amex for transfer of point to miles?

Robert Sahadevan
We will consider partnerships with any entity that provides value to our membership base.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by WarrenIm: About the North American Confirmed Upgrades for 1K's: exactly how many each quarter and when. Some information said 2 per quarter sometime within the first month of each quarter, but some information said that four would be posted (for 10K miles in 3Q) in October. A total of eight or ten if one flies 10K in each quarter?

Jim Davidovich
These upgrades, which are now part of the United e-upgrade bank, are provided quarterly to 1K members who meet a minimum flight mileage hurdle. 1K members can receive 2 North America confirmed upgrades each quarter. Check your summary online to verify the number of upgrades that you have available. Thank you for the question.

Does United frown on "mileage runs"? Next week, I'm flying to Singapore and back in a couple of days just for the miles -- and I'm flying on a really inexpensive ticket.

Randy Petersen
Ohhhh, good question.....

Robert Sahadevan
It's allowed in the program. Have at it!!!!!!

Randy Petersen
Straight from the boss..... I guess that's an endorsement to fly....

Jim Davidovich
We appreciate loyal customers!!!!!

Robert Sahadevan
We're ready for the next question

Will you do away with the USAir Bank of America VISA in favor of your own Mileage Plus VISA card program?

Robert Sahadevan
In regards to the credit card question, we have not made decision like that yet

Randy Petersen
I've got a question.......

Robert Sahadevan
Go ahead Randy...

Randy Petersen
I've tried to figure out why the United forum on FlyerTalk is by far the largest, tallying more posts than Delta, American and Continental put together. Jim or Robert, have any ideas other than that your members are more opinionated than all the others?

Robert Sahadevan
What's that old marketing adage, you're doing something right if people notice you - good and bad. Honestly, I don't know... I like to think because people know that we care about how the MP program compliments the airline and we take feedback seriously. Either from Flyertalk or when people write in. Thanks for the question.

Jim Davidovich
Randy, I am an avid reader of FlyerTalk and appreciate the comments both good and bad. It shows that Mileage Plus members are impassioned about the program and that equates to loyalty. We have established a good brand over the past 20 years and we appreciate our loyal customers and are proud of the responses we see. Next question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Sergey: What is UAL's policy on upgrades (from coach to business or first) using miles? Specifically, are those available from any published fare or only from certain more expensive fares?

Jim Davidovich
In the US the upgrades using miles can be done from most published fares (some fares have rules prohibiting upgrades such as certain internet fares). Due to a large price difference in International markets between deeply discounted fares and the cost of Business Class there are limits on what fare classes can be upgraded Internationally. For example there is a $678 fare from Chicago to London and the Business class reduced roundtrip fare is over $6,000. We do not anticipate changing this practice in the near future. Thank you for the question.

Could there be a way that MP could allow access to the available Saver awards capacity for a given flight segment via, at least for 1K? Even a search as for available revenue tickets? How about availability for cap controlled upgrades via 500-mile certs (with authentication via MP # of course and only within the restricted window time based on MP level)?

Robert Sahadevan
UNIXGUY, that capability is on today. We are one of the few programs that allow award search on the web. Thanks for the question.

Mileage Plus covers many different members with different travel patterns. Rather than giving a fixed distribution of 500 mile, North American, and Systemwide upgrades, what about giving upgrade "currency" so that members could pick which type would be most useful to them? Like the choice that you offered for the gift last year?

Jim Davidovich
We found a great response from the choice gift that was offered last year and are encouraged by the comments we received. We are looking at ways to accomplish these things without adding burden to the agents and the check in process. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by dix: For many years I have been really envious of U.S. members' ability to earn miles by using their VISA cards. What chance is there of you and Bank of New Zealand VISA getting together? As an MP fan since 1986, I don't really want to join AIR NZ 'Air Points' (and even have to pay to do so). According to BNZ, that is the only way to go.

Robert Sahadevan
We have established credit card relationships in over 16 countries worldwide. We continually review markets and look to see if it is economically feasible to enter into a credit card agreement in those countries. So stay tuned as we continually review these locations. Thank you for the question.

Is there any thought about allowing spouses to combine account miles points for award tickets?

Robert Sahadevan
Combining miles from spouses has come up before, we haven't allowed it, but I take it back and see what the rationale to not do it was - and see if it's a feature we should have. Thanks for the question.

When are we going to have reciprocal upgrade privileges on STAR ALLIANCE member airlines: i.e. I am a top tier in Air Canada, and fly frequently to the US from Canada, but often I end up on a code share operated by United where my upgrade privileges are useless. When can we look forward to being able to use our upgrades on code shares, just as if it were the airline that we had ORIGINALLY booked the ticket with.

Jim Davidovich
Interesting that you asked that as it was a topic at my last Star Alliance meeting and we will look at ways that this can be handled. We only want to provide a product that is easy for the members and the airport ground staff. There are many technical issues between airline check-in systems and we need to iron those out. Stay tuned. Thanks for a great question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Gail Natlaie Magann: Why does the only airline you are partnered with that serves the orient only give 50% of actual miles traveled?

Jim Davidovich
Actually Gail we have three strong Star Alliance partners in Asia with Thai and Singapore giving 100% on economy fares and ANA giving 70% on discount published fares and 100% on full fare economy. A lower percentage of miles in economy is not uncommon in Asian carrier frequent flyer programs. For updates on airline partner accrual and redemption, the new Mileage Plus member guide is available at and can be downloaded for your use. Thank you for the question.

Robert, what about families? Japan Airlines has a program that you pay a little extra and you can combine your family mileage.

Robert Sahadevan
The problem is verifying who is in a family. We could leave it to all people with the same surname, but this is unfair to spouse who did not take the others name... Japan A/L does have that, but don't allow awards to be given to friends. So it's somewhat of a tradeoff. Thanks for the question.

then there is the issue of domestic partnership and unions not recognized currently in the law

Angell above the clouds
As a new United VISA holder, I wanted to find out if you plan to offer double mileage programs for purchases or for balance transfers?

Robert Sahadevan
First, thanks for holding the MP card. We constantly look at CC bonus offers. We are currently reviewing our CC program. We'll keep you posted. Thanks for the question.

What about RCC one-day passes or something similar for award options? Those of us with fewer miles would really appreciate that!

Robert Sahadevan
That's not bad idea. The problem is the transaction cost. I'll see if we can implement an e-RCC pass in the future. It may be a neat burn option. Thanks for the question. Keep those ideas coming.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Leo Brown: Are there any plans to introduce a Star Alliance award similar to that offered by oneworld? oneworld's award allows for travel on any number of the member carriers on one itinerary. The amount of miles required is based upon distance.

Jim Davidovich
We hope to announce something soon that will make it more convenient for MP members to redeem International travel across Star Alliance carriers. We have carefully studied the issues and want a compelling and usable product for our members. The oneworld awards require flying three carriers and are often far more expensive than our current award redemption charts. Our goal is to come up with an even better process and pricing structure that is simple and easy to understand. Stay tuned. Thank you for the question.

How do you decide on providing bonus miles on a particular route? What are the factors which are considered?

Robert Sahadevan
Bonus miles are generally given to support new routes or promotional offers to stimulate traffic. Thanks for the question.

Why does UA use the catch-all 'Other restrictions may apply' on all of its program and promotion rules. Isn't that a slippery slope toward a 'kangaroo court'?

Robert Sahadevan
Well... You know corporate lawyers. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Lyndihop: Has anyone used websites that purchase miles and/or purchase tickets using others miles? I'm interested in going business class to New Zealand and was wondering if this is a cost effective way of doing so, since a reg. bus. ticket is $6,000+ and if it is safe.

Robert Sahadevan
You can buy up to 15,000 miles each year to top of your account to get the award you desire. Go to the Mileage Plus section of If you are referring to the purchase of miles from non-United sources (or for that matter the practice of selling awards or upgrades), that is clearly a violation of program rules (a copy of the membership guide is also on United routinely confiscates awards, miles, and upgrades; or closes MP accounts of people engaged in such practices - so I wouldn't advise you to take the risk. The cost to United of the activities you cited demonstrates why United is concerned about fraud. Thanks for the question.

my Question is: Does the Star alliance plan to eliminate either Thai or Singapore from their alliance due to the redundancy... as well as both members' involvement with Delta?

Jim Davidovich
We believe we have a strong network in Asia and both carriers have a special niche. Each brings value to the table at Star and we have no plans on losing one of them to another alliance. Our product with Singapore is strong as you earn Premier qualifying miles on SQ flights. Thanks for the question.

Currently Chase Manhattan & Continental Airlines offer miles on purchases using their debit card which also has the Mastercard Logo. Any chance that United might offer the same type of card with FirstUSA parent company Bank One?

Robert Sahadevan
Yes, we are looking at debit cards as a line extension to the portfolio. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by Dale Stark: I enrolled in the Mileage Plus program because United advertised I would receive an extra 10,000 miles for graduating college last year. After I sent in my transcripts and a copy of my diploma I got only a mileage Plus card and zero extra miles. Was this a United scam to get me to sign up?

Jim Davidovich
Thank you for your participation in College Plus, and please accept our apologies for the problems you have had posting your 10,000 miles. We are investigating the situation and will have someone contact you soon. We are proud of the award winning College Plus program and want to be sure that it delivers as promised. Thank you for the question.

Recently (in early February) I went to Paris in Business Class. I really wanted to upgrade to First Class, but my 1K 24 hour upgrade coupons didn't arrive until the end of February. Why not make the 1K international upgrade coupons electronic as well? I was very disappointed that the agents in SFO didn't even try to make an exception. There were seats in First class available, but my only choice was to use my miles, which I didn't wish to use.

Jim Davidovich
We introduced the System upgrades after we started to program for E-upgrades. It would have delayed the launch of E-upgrades and we decided to move forward and try to make Systemwides electronic later. It is part of a Phase two strategy. Thanks for the question.

Always Flyin
What does Mileage Plus define as "bartering"? If I need an HK-49 but have extra 500 miles certs, does UA care if I swap with another Mileage Plus member?

Robert Sahadevan
Yes we do. That would qualify as bartering. Sorry. Nice Try. Thanks for the question.

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by WarrenIm: Will UA consider establishing, as a benefit for 1K's, a waiver of the administrative change fee when reusing the value of unused and cancelled tickets. I'm not referring to same day changes...those administrative fees are already waived. Some agents have said this is an empowerment prerogative of agents but other information said the enforcement was strict.

Jim Davidovich
Changes to reservations and tickets, whether paid or award travel, tend to be manpower intensive procedures in reservations, MP service centers and at airports. Therefore the administrative fees have been established to offset the costs. Empowerment guidelines allow our employees to take each situation on its merits and make a good business decision. Thank you for the question.

I have had a great deal of trouble using my United frequent flyer number on Delta. The ticket agents do not seem to get the numbers in right and it cuts off a digit. The result is I do not get credit for the Delta flight with United. What is the correct way for the Delta ticket agents to enter the United numbers?

Robert Sahadevan
I haven't heard of this problem. Can you let us no how this happens and we will take it up with DL. Please put it to my attention. Thanks for the question.

Randy Petersen
If you want to see a live shot of the crew here at work on this chat, open up another browser to

Following up on one of the last questions, why does United allow 1st and C class to go out less than full when you have customers willing to use either miles or awards to get an upgraded seat?

Jim Davidovich
Customers who are willing to use miles or certificates to upgrade should be on the list so they can clear at the airport. Advise the reservations or airport ticket agent in advance. We have heard from many of our top flyers that they are relieved when the door closes and the seat next to them is empty. I am sure many of you have experienced this. To provide the best service levels there is not an obligation to fill the whole upper cabin. Thanks for the question

Mikel at WebFlyer
This question was submitted earlier by ff100: Why does United have so few 1st class seats in it's smaller planes such as the 737,A319 and A320. Many other airlines have more 1st class seats than United. It is virtually impossible to get upgrades on these aircraft.

Robert Sahadevan
I find it funny that each airline has people who feel that it is too difficult to get upgrades. Our customer research shows that there is no significant difference between United and other carriers in the ability to obtain upgrades. One of our ongoing challenges is to balance the customer desire for more upgrades with the ability to deliver to the customer. Thanks for the question.

I am a senior and a PE. I prefer to buy my tickets online, but have to buy them on Expedia now. Are there any plans to sell senior tickets on the United Website?

Jim Davidovich
Not at this time although we have a dedicated group that is always working on web enhancements. We will pass your suggestion on to them. Thanks for the question.

any plan to bring back 2-pax awards for business and first class awards (which require less miles than 2 separate awards)? I think when it was discontinued in 1999, you said you would give us similar award options in the future (from time to time in the form of promotions), but so far we haven't seen anything similar??

Jim Davidovich
No there is not a plan to do this any time soon. We are looking at award options as promotions and at this time have not devised the product. Thanks for the question.

Randy Petersen
As we head for the top of the hour with this FlyerTalk Live!, I know I speak on behalf of everyone online tonight thanking you for the answers to all of our interests. But I'm wondering if I can't beg you to stay on just a little longer, maybe til quarter past the hour because there are so many question still to be asked - and truthfully, you're doing a better job than I probably could in answering them. OK, pretty please?

Robert Sahadevan
Sure we would love to. Fire away...

Randy Petersen

If you were upgraded on a flight, using miles or certs, and your flight is cancelled, where do you stand on the waitlist for the new flight (the one for which you have been rebooked)? Do you get any sort of priority for having an upgraded seat on the cancelled flight?

Jim Davidovich
If the departure list has not started to clear for the rebooked flight and you are moved to the list for that flight you take your priority based on status first and then fare class just like the normal hierarchy. Thanks for the question.

Are there any plans to integrate SilverWingsPlus with MP? i.e. online reservations, USA certs avail by e-purchase, etc. to get around the delays of mail. The trip I start M 4/16 took 4 weeks for certs and mail-in reservation with SWP

Robert Sahadevan
Not currently, but UA is looking at all of our Sr. Products and we'll note your comments. Thanks for the question.

Why is it that United agents do not consider tickets booked on your website as UA bookings? They treat them like travel agency bookings which sometimes affects how the situation is handled during irregular operations or changes.

Robert Sahadevan
They shouldn't. They are treated just as if you had called our Reservations. If you've got more info on this, please send more information. Let us know how it effect you when you travel. Thanks for the question.

Does United have any plans to grant elite bonuses on partner airlines? Most of the other majors do grant elite bonus miles on partner airlines.

Jim Davidovich
Not at this time, but we will look at possibilities in the future. Thanks for the question.

United once had "employee appreciation" cards. What happened to them?

Jim Davidovich
Yes we did and we decided to take a break from the program and search for other opportunities. If this is something that you feel is valuable then feel free to write to us and request their return. Thanks for supporting our employees and the question.

Can MP give an indication if current UA award redemption levels will remain at current levels for at least 2 more years?

Robert Sahadevan
do you plan to not earn any more miles?

Jim Davidovich
We have no current plans to change the awards. We feel the Star Alliance awards will make award travel even better. Thanks for the question.

what's the official United stand on airline employees answering questions for us here? I know that A/A is against the idea.

Jim Davidovich
Employees are entitled to their opinions and we do not want to place a gag order on our employees. We want to be careful that they are not giving out confidential information or telling incorrect information. It is important to note that on many items their opinion may be somewhat biased. I read the posts eagerly but chose not to respond. Thanks for the question.

I was wondering about UA's thoughts about moving towards a revenue based status. There have been rumblings of this on FlyerTalk. Is this a viable option? Is it being discussed within UA? what are the probabilities of it occurring?

Robert Sahadevan
Since this is a loyalty program and we manage this for customer as well as shareholders. Theoretically a pure Revenue program would be better, but it is difficult to implement because of a host of systems and accounting issues. Thanks for the question.

Randy Petersen
From all of us at FlyerTalk, let me first say an early birthday to Mileage Plus who in the next few weeks turns 20 years old. My question is what do you have for plans for your birthday? We see Delta is already touting theirs in September and surely American will announce something next week - might we expect big things (big miles promotions) from United?

Jim Davidovich
Well Randy Birthday presents are usually we don't want to spoil the surprise.

Randy Petersen

Robert Sahadevan
May 6th is our big day. United is also 75 years old this month. A lot of firsts: Stewardesses, B777

When redeeming a business class reward on a Star Alliance carrier, why does UA only provide economy class service to the US gateway city?

Jim Davidovich
We are looking to change that policy this year. We have a couple of technical issues to work through and will be glad to announce this soon. Thanks for the question.

What does UA close waitlist on some full flights even for 1Ks? One of the benefits of being a 1K is priority waitlist. This benefit can not be realized if 1Ks can not even get on list. Thanks.

Robert Sahadevan
There are some technical questions to solve, but we are working to remove this constraint. thanks for the question.

Always Flyin
On mileage accrual basis, 1Ks receive no extra bonus over Premier Execs. Each get a 100% bonus. Yet the 1K had to fly a LOT more to earn that status. Any thought to give 1Ks a 150 or 200% bonus?

Robert Sahadevan
That's only one point of differentiation in the 1K and 1P levels. We believe the other benefits of earlier clearance of upgrades, priority on the waitlist give differentiation to 1Ks. but we will take the suggestion. Thanks for the question.

Jim Davidovich
Randy, I have a question for you now, time to turn the tables....How many Freddie Awards will Mileage Plus, the leading forum in FlyerTalk, be getting later this month?

Any thoughts on the future of the UA-DL relationship? There are rumors that it will be ending. Are those rumors true? Any chance of an expansion to include int'l flights?

Robert Sahadevan
Rumors are just that. We will evaluate this in light of the US acquisition when given approval. Thanks for the question.

Angell above the clouds
On the issue of stopovers, Delta allows awards to have one stopover without any penalty. Will UAL examine allowing stopovers on either UAL or Delta flights?

Jim Davidovich
There is no thought to expanding the DL agreement to International due to constraints by the EEU. Thanks for the question.

While PE's provide a large portion of revenue for United, there are no yearly benefits(SWU'S) what about this ?

Robert Sahadevan
For MP, we have no plans to change this. This is the same for UA/DL itineraries. Thanks for the question. Thanks for the question.

Robert Sahadevan
SWU's are a benefit to differentiate the 1Ks from lower levels. Thanks for the question.

On Lufthansa the status bonus miles count towards status, any plans for United to do the same?

Jim Davidovich
We currently do not have plans to have status bonus miles count towards status. The Miles and More program is much smaller than Mileage Plus and it would add significantly to our Premier populations. Not sure you want us to do that. Thanks for a good question.

Randy Petersen
Well, I think you've all done a great job of wearing Robert and Jim down. Based on the number of questions received tonight, we could easily go on for another 18 hours. But I think we've got a start and maybe we'll be able to get Robert or Jim back on at another time. Robert and Jim, thanks for your patience and thanks for leaving us all with information we can use as we continue to participate in frequent flyer programs. A thank you official 'FlyerTalk' t-shirt is in the mail but on second thought, if i ship it to you via small cargo with you (United Airlines) I'll earn bonus miles.......

Randy Petersen
Again, many, many thanks to you and continued great success with Mileage Plus as you move on to the next milestone......another 20 years if not more.

Robert Sahadevan
Thanks Randy We enjoyed being here and look forward to doing this again if your members want us back!!!

Randy Petersen
They want you back, they have plenty of other questions........

Jim Davidovich
Thank you all for insightful questions, for your loyalty to Mileage Plus and United and for all you talk about in FlyerTalk

Robert Sahadevan
Sorry if our answers weren't always what you wanted to hear. But we believe in candor.

Jim Davidovich
PremEx, enjoy reading your posts

Randy Petersen
So, I guess it's my turn to try and answer your questions about things other than United. We'll stay in moderated mode because of the sheer number of people on tonight and then at the bottom of the hour go live for everyone to chat naturally.....

Jim Davidovich
But hey where has Catman been?

Randy Petersen
He's been out....... though he was at a Catman DO party in NYC just two weeks ago.

Randy Petersen
OK, first question for me.....

Does SkyTeam plan to integrate Alitalia?

Randy Petersen
Probably guess that while SkyTeam is desperate to catch the other alliances, it's enough to have Air France on board.......and the two are pretty similar. Look for Aliatalia to finally, maybe, cautiously get in with Northwest.......

Randy, is the Freddie Awards ceremony on the 26th open to the public?

Randy Petersen
The Freddies are open to the public and please attend if you like. Information has been posted in the last issue of MilesLink and we can get that to you...

Randy Petersen
THE NEW BOARDS - I understand that just two days ago we finally moved over 400,000 posts into the new demo boards and within the next few days that will be available to you to pound on. Once we are satisfied it's the solution, we'll close FT over a weekend, delete the demo board and re-import......

Randy - Do you think that there is any way to convince AA to honor the lifetime TWA club cards? This would be the first time that an airline wouldn't honor these cards from the acquired company.

Randy Petersen
It's a question a little out of my league because I only deal with the frequent flyer people at AAdvantage and the clubroon issue is in another part of that airline. My guess is NO. I hate to even say that but given how they are dancing around the integration of Aviators....court approval? Yea right! They are not likely to extend more than they have to.....Sorry for my look at this, wish I could be more positive......

Randy, what do you think the chances of the UA/US merger are at this point?

Randy Petersen
With apologies to Robert and Jim..........stick a fork in it. I really can't see it happening. In reality while Steve Wolfman tried to screw up that airline to get the pity necessary to sell it, it's actually still in pretty good shape. Besides, if they really thought it was a done deal, we would have all gotten the kiss off notice about Delta and that alliance with United by now......

Randy, With the merger of AA/TWA what are the chances now of BA & AA getting closer like UA/LH, and do you think AA members will ever be allowed to earn miles on BA flights that originate in North or South America to the aadvantage program?

Randy Petersen
That answer is not available to American because BA uses it as a wedge to protect LHR. As long as that empire still shines, and it does since BA realizes they can't manage a low cost carrier, there's every possibility that what you see is what you'll continue to get. This is business, not an exercise in what's best for the customer.

Do governments have any control over FFP's (i.e., antitrust issues, etc.). If two airlines wanted to link FFP's, does the gov't get involved as they would for codesharing/fare-sharing, etc. Thanks so much Randy!!!

Randy Petersen
A very gray area. I actually don't believe they do, however in light of continued speculation of anti-trust, they all very quickly use that as a mechanism to either protect decisions or postpone doing something they haven't yet figured out how to do. All they really need is a bigger Marriage and Divorce Court where they can go and please as they wish. The interesting thing is that only in the last few years has the 'legal' excuse come into play. In the early 90s, it was - who wants to marry our program next. If I'm wrong, I'm sure to hear from one of the programs tomorrow....

mark bach
Randy, what do you see as the future for programs such as Clickrewards and Greenpoints now that the 'internet economy' is in a downturn?

Randy Petersen
At stock prices of .50 cents, there's not much to look at. I think that ClickRewards will be taken over and that it might be conceivable that the ClickRewards portion of that company spun off in an alliance to one of the other currencies and ClickMiles will be Netcentives, the loyalty technology company. As for Greenpoints, with Air Miles soon to launch here in the US, someone has to go.......beenz is suffering as are other currencies......Greenpoints looks like a small player to me - part of a roll-up or part of a write off......

Randy, I suffer from the affliction to keep earning miles, so whenever I go on holiday, I end up searching very hard for a good bargain and often I find such a bargain. So, instead of using my nearly million miles, I end up spending cash and earning even more miles. Money can be kept in a bank so that one earns at least interest on that money. What about miles? Are my miles getting devalued over time? Should I discipline myself and use miles?

Randy Petersen
Well, you and I share a similar passion in this area. I also have millions but yet I always buy new airline tickets and am willing to hop on the next really big Mileage Run. I view mine as an IRA and while they don't earn interest......that's OK, because they will represent more value as a replacement for travel in the many years ahead than they would now anyway. I don't see major changes to these program award charts in years ahead and as long as I can get to earning 'lifetime elite' status on as many programs as possible, then I'm ahead of the game come redemption because airlines will always give their elite a better shot at award redemption than the others. I advise you to not worry about devaluation, save for a purpose and I think you'll be fine.

Randy Petersen
One last question........

Randy, any word/rumors on your end concerning the AMEX (Visa/MC?) Starwood makeover?.........

Randy Petersen
Yes, I cashed in some secrets just the other day and as long as you don't tell another soul, can tell you that the new card will launch in mid-June. Now remember, you never heard that from me, as it is likely that I'm not supposed to know. I think it will be a winner for some, though the current card isn't half bad.

Randy Petersen
Well, as usual, you've all been terrific and I hope you have enjoyed yourself. Next month we welcome Bruce Chemel, the President of AAdvantage and what great timing, May 1 is the 20th anniversary of these programs and AAdvantage was first with United 6 days behind. We'll move to open session - you can stay here and chat or move to the Buzz.....thanks for your continued support of FlyerTalk and we'll see you online and in the air.

After the "official" chat session ended, Jim Davidovich was kind enough to stick around and speak with our audience one-to-one...

Jim Davidovich
Hey Punki, interesting to read your posts

how do i get in

Jim Davidovich
It is good to see so many names that I have come to know

Hi Punki

Thank you Jim and thanks for tonight.

Yeah im there

LIH Prem
Thanks for participating Jim

JIm-are you Chicago based?

Hey Jim ... thanks for coming ... but UA/US No Way!!! :)

Jim, i think I referenced you re: having another MPer who didn't get any response from UA, to give you a shot

Jim Davidovich
hope you enjoyed, even if the answers weren't what you wanted to hear

thanks for the session Jim

I like US the way it is :)

Thank You, Can you tell me how I can get access and the details for this years awards?

Hello to all of you that I know! :)

Now I am in Qld Aussie from Beantown orig HOW do I get miles?

Angell above the clouds
Jim, do you give FF miles to friends for Christmas?

svpii, is any progress being made on the superb work you initiated on how to better structure posts on FT?

Thanks Jim and Boa Viagem

I liked the responses ... very encouraging.

am glad to hear that someone is listening.....certainly isn't an easy job anyone at UAL has

Hey CH ..SD1K

LIH Prem
ps2001: Look at the or freddies website or email me if you can't find it.

This is the first chat I have participated in and I'm was great!

Can i TALK by voice on this?

Randy... looking forward to meeting you and other FTers in NYC

Big D
sorry I missed it

It was so interesting but I was always one page behind reading messages...

mark bach
wharvey: i'll be there

come in more often mileageaddict - we're here most nights around 9 EST

LIH Prem
None of my questions got through :(

My second Mileage Addict

This is my first time... how do they announce the 20,000 mileage winner?

Thanks UA guys....good job.....

Mark... you fall in the other FT category.... :)

who knows - another 5 years or so and we can do all this by voice and video

Jim Davidovich
often people forget that FFP's are a business and as such have constraints. We try to balance benefits and economics

5 years?

Jim, will you be at the Freddies again this year?

Jim, point VERY well taken!

Next year Peter! ;)

como andasy eso

What would you do for Delta Platinums that defect to UA?

Jim Davidovich
Not sure, have a Star Alliance meeting that week. Robert and I were checking our schedules

Jim - Are United concerned about Ansett's current safety problems?

Jim Davidovich
kiss them

amazing nj
Jim Davidovich: are you really unaware that some gate agents treat those who bought tixs on the website differently? where do we send info for you to review?

FFP's are indeed a business, but UA runs it at a good balance between the P&L and the Customer!

Can I get 20000 pts

Jim Davidovich
we are always concerned about safety and have a group addressing the issues with Ansett

care to expand (I'd love the kiss but look for something more solid and longlasting...)

thanks Jim

Do gate agents treat those who bought tickets on the net better or worse than they treat others?

Jim Davidovich
send it to our web site and they will pass it on to the right dept

Jim.... could you see having someone represent UAL on this board? Starwood and Hilton do it... and it is some great goodwill on the part of their companies

...waiting for webcam pic to change...gotta see Randy's latest hairdo


Jim are you aware of a BIG problem with Varig not notifying UA
Good night all! Thanks everyone. Bye!

Jim, does UAL plan to improve the situation with the West Coast Shuttle in any way shape or form - being wholly reliant on the weather in SFO kills the reliability of on-time departures out of LAX and BUR - and is the primary reason I left UAL - its so bad, that the gate agents even have a pre-printed pamphlet they hand out describing the FAA controls out of SFO -

LIH Prem
I had a question for you Jim that didn't get through: Many of us felt that UAs handling of the $27 Paris "mistake" fare was not done really well. It kind of turned into a PR ni.shtmlare, didn't it? What happened with that?

press the refresh button on your browser Biff

Angell above the clouds
Jim, can you guys help fight the move to TAX frequent flier miles?

Jim, is there any way I can get member-get-member promotion packet?

aaaaah! thanks wharvey

i think the biggest beef I have about is that I can't tell when i am buying an internet only fare -- they aren't always marked and causes great frustration when I go to ticket at a CTO using a travel voucher

Jim Davidovich
I agree that we could have handled the $27 issue better. we recovered but much too late....we hope that won't happen again, either the mistake or the response

Any deals I can get in Aussie

Jim, thanx for hanging, can you answer 17 questions at once? :)

Well, the big point of the Shuttle is to feed transcontinental or Asian flights, so it's hard to move those flights out of SFO

to the states

we hope the mistake happens again

Jim, my MP paper statement, and "My Mileage Plus" statements do not indicate how many e-upgrade certificates I have. I've tried contacting MP, Web support, Customer Service and Graham Atkinson's office-- still no resolution. Can you help?

DAS... you can actually ticket internet only fares at a CTO? thought you had to e-ticket


Hello any deals Aussie to USA?

Jim, any chance of giving 1K's travelling in Full fare C to get special benefits over regular C pax, such as F check-in, Concierge

LIH Prem
Thanks for the candor, Jim .. another one .. it would be really nice to be able to select fare basis on, so I could choose an upgradeable H fare for international, for instance .. any chance of getting something like that?

Jim Davidovich
will pass on the Shuttle question due to lack of expertise, as far as the Tax issue we are opposed to taxing FFPs and have stated so in DC

amazing nj
Any news when 767-200s are going to be refurbished?

umm..i show up with a printout of flights and then it prices differently... but it was never indicated as internet-only, in which case i would have never tried... the fare basis was the same, but for some unknown reason it was being discounted by 15% due to a 'hidden code'....

Jim Davidovich
Member -get- a member went to a select group and I do not have access to them. Perhaps you can contact the MP svc center

Any more on defectors?

Night all. Thanks for stopping by Jim!

Mikel at WebFlyer
The webcam is back up, sorry for the momentary technical error.

Jim Davidovich
no info on 767's

Who is who on cam

amazing nj
Jim - Thanks for a great session hope to see you again soon!

Yes, it is, Michael, and there's Randy....

Who's who in the webcam shot?

Jim .. this is your area .. when will Ansett "pay" me 100% to MP for flights? TG and SQ overcame that one, what is the beef/holdup with AN?

Jim Davidovich
RE My Mileage Plus and e-upgrades...we are working to fix that but it will take a while, as there are other programming priorities ahead of it

Jim, I have received $25 inconvenience certificates many times. Why can't I combine them? After all, each was given to me due to a flight delay or a mishandled luggage. Just because I suffered in separate incidents, I shouldn't have to enjoy the "redress" in separate flights.

Mikel at WebFlyer
Randy, Dan, Lisa and Mikel are on the cam.

And thank you again, Jim, to my knowledge, no rep has ever hung around after the chat was over. Truly a class act. -H

Jim, any idea whether UAL has any intentions on improving its product to Hawaii - like CO or TWA from STL?

Jim, PLEASE check on the Varig schedule change problem. I JUST avoided a ni.shtmlare on a tkt issued by UA (using Varig) when they changed the tkt. from MXP to FCO and did not tell UA or myself!

Jim, can anything be done to simplify transferability of mileage certs? If my husband travels on his own, I have to go to the CTO or airport to authorize his use of my certs. It's a 60mile RT drive, and a real time drain.

Jim - one of the big issues that shows up on the FT is the problem with food choices not being available. Someone suggested having the web site have the meal selections and letting you select before your flight. Is this something that United could investigate?

Here Here CH/SD1k

buterrier .. hardly a MP issue!

Second the motion on food advance selection

Jim Davidovich
Ansett will not change in the near future. I hope soon that all Star partners will have 100% and that is a goal of mine

(it was a MP Business class tkt from RIO-MXP)

Jim, great having you here tonight, thanks. Is ORD-HNL gone for good?

I was wondering if there is going to be anything new with the CollegePlus program.


amazing nj
Ever consider offering miles instead of money as compensation for delays, bumping etc?

ozstamps - its the MP who complain about this the most!

Jim Davidovich
ORD-HNL is gone for the foreseeable future

Again any deals Aussie to USA ?

Angell above the clouds
Jim, only DELTA and US Airways allow stopovers but not UAL. Why can't you allow stopovers on Delta flights when Delta allows stopovers on its awards?

Since miles flown on DL but applied to Mileage Plus don't count towards Premier status, what is the point of the DL/UA partnership?

Regarding Hawaii - I meant the First Class Product -better seats in particular. :-)

I was wondering if there is going to be anything new with the CollegePlus program.

Jim Davidovich
miles instead of $$$ is being considered

JIM--What are the chances that UAMP could give recognition to people that get 1 Million miles from ALL sources, like AA about premier for life...and keep PE for life for people who reach 1 MM from FLIGHTS alone.?

amazing nj
show me the miles!

Thanks Jim. Well in view of the last 2 days politics here Ansett may not be flying ANYWHERE in 2 weeks. Check out front page. The newly revamped QF scheme makes it more attractive for me a 1K to fly Qantas, and not Ansett, which is nuts.

I sure would like to see a 2,000,000 mile recognition program.

Any chance of getting a Concierge to meet 1K's at major airports such as ORD, DEN when connecting to international travel when in Y.

Jim- Why isn't Comair part of DL award redemption since over 60% of DL flights are Comair feeders? Problematic to use DL when only feeders on short haul routes to get to DL hubs?

Jim Davidovich
we chose not to allow stopovers and debate this annually. It is something that we do not see as the top priority. We may allow stopovers for additional miles but do not foresee doing it at 25

Jim - thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!!

Jim - any chance that United might have a 1 million miles promotion similar to Latinpass? (yes please!)

it is nice to see some familiar posters on live :) I'm just sorry I missed the discussion

Thanks Jim

Jim Davidovich
Ozstamps, always enjoy reading your posts....good to "meet you"

LIH Prem
Thank you very much for your candor, Jim! Lets do this again :) Thanks for coming.

Jim Davidovich
no thought to match Latin pass now

Jim, there have been a number of cases where electronic upgrades have been taken when a SWU has also been taken (at a prior airport). The traveler is not advised by the UA agent that E-upgrades are being taken. Can a system be initiated to print out - on the boarding card perhaps - what upgrades have been taken for the premium seat?

Angell above the clouds
Jim, you're awesome!!!

Jim .. Nice seeing you here too to answer some questions from us. Thanks!

Jim, Regarding SQ and 100% economy credit, it is my experience that they give no mileage at all on their equivalent 'Q' fare code which is not as stated on the MP site. Could you comment ?

Will the text of this conversation be posted so I can read it later?

Hi Jim- Welcome and thanks for coming. Your probably stated this earlier, but what do you see as priorities that your working on for Premier levels?

much better than dl chat

Jim, your mostly awesome!

whadu .. yes.

Will UA MP join Latinpass since the merger may occur w/US Airways?


Jim Davidovich
will check the SQ Q issue, was not aware that was the case the job 3 months will review the contract

Whadu .. sorry, only the "official" chat I think


Need to put the kids to bed. Thanks again Randy, for the great discussion.

Jim why don't you post in the UA board\

Jim Davidovich
No plans to join Latin Pass....our Star partner MX would not like that

Oh cr*p, I forgot I had kids!

Jim .. whole BUNCH of SQ fares types often sold do NOT gain a single MP mile.

What time is it on east coast now I am in Aussie

amazing nj

Any chance that MP will introduce unlimited North American upgrades for say Platinum members like USAir?


Angell above the clouds
Hey, Jim, can you give the last 78 of us 1,000 pts. each for hanging out with you till the end?

JIM--not sure what the latinpass reference was in regards to. I hope it wasn't in answer to my question about recognition for 1MM from all sources...because I'm not talking about a 1MM promo ala Latinpass. Currently, UAMP gives PE for life to people who FLY 1MM in their life on UA. How about giving PREMIER status to those that get 1MM from ALL sources...bonuses, partners, AA does.

Jim Davidovich
I do not have the time to involve in the dialogue and have chosen not to try to direct the candor and flow of the chats...some could question my reasoning but there are times I call Randy's staff and ask them to post a clarification

Jim Davidovich
trust me I could spend 24/7 answering issues in there if I started

Angell, I think WE should give JIM the miles for being so patient in hanging with us!!!!!

Jim- Star Alliance UNIFORM currency keeps making the rounds. Any truth to it?

Shameless self-promotion: visit Mileage Workshop

Jim .. CO are killing you guys with partner bonuses this year. Hyatt, Hilton, Starwood and BILLIONS of Amex miles. You only had a fair Hilton deal a year back. any plans to look at CO's deals?

Angell above the clouds
OK, I'll put in 500

Jim Davidovich
stay tuned to Star currency but it is a LONGGGGGG way off

I'll send Jim some free drink coupons for his next flight :)

I can live with that!

Any body there know good Aussie sites for air deals?

Angell, I'll match and double you.

Any chance of getting RCC passes for 2P and up

LIH Prem
Jim: One thing you might consider is to have a mileage plus lurker, similar to the starwood lurker .. a paid f/t position.

ozstamps you are absolutely right - CO's bonuses just have me spending money .... w

Hey Koko

wonderful idea, LIH Prem

Where have I seen you before?

I also bought two flights this month on CO due largely to the bonuses

JIM, is there any talk of a minimum dollar amount which must be spent to accrue MP?

aussie site?

Angell above the clouds
OK, San Diego, sounds good. Just send them to my attention, and we'll get them to Jim in one big package!!

Jim Davidovich
Hey there Kokonutz, nice to see a familiar name

I got over 90,000 miles with single international trip ^^

What about a UA monitored website for where MPers would 'register' to legallly exchange UA stuff. Benefit- we get flexibility, you get oversight about possible fraud??? PLEASE ANSWER THIS ONE IF YOU CAN!!

Thomas Gregory
Jim, how about a couple of star alliance upgrades to MP members each year, good for any *A carrier?

Jim Davidovich
no talk on the minimum $ amount here at UA

Good night to all of you! Take care!

OK, i'll chip in 5K for Jim being such a good sport...UA, pls effect a transfer..

Hiya Jim.

I would love to see if UA can match that.

Jim ... the CO fliers are getting 250,000 miles for a single RT USA-Asia, mostly due to those Amex bonuses. Thats nearly what I earned on MP in a year as a 1K. An informed USA based business guy with a choice is gonna fly CO right now. it must be hurting UA?

UAL Junkie

I have a trivia question: we all know the abbreviations 2P, 1P, 1K for Premier/Premier Executive/100,000 Mile Flyer. How does "Premier Emeritus" show up? (And how does it figure into DM, etc.?)

Jim Davidovich
let me address Star upgrades....for those who try to use award upgrades on LH from your MP account you know that the system is broken. I believe firmly that we will not move forward until we have a good product. I am on a Star Committee called to investigate Star upgrades but I refuse to put a bad product out there for you

Jim. Any chance you could review the award redemptions levels fo flights from Australia to New Caledonia, Vanuatu etc? Because Star Allaince don't fly direct one has to use twice as many points eg 40,000 to do Melbourne to New Caledonia. It seems a bit excessive.

Banter, not Barter UAL Junkie,. Heaven forbid.

Jim Davidovich
Yes FF, watch for the Star award charts later this year

Jim: you must have seen me rant about the 1k center at IAD...any hope of improvement there (I know you're the wrong guy to ask...but I've gotta ask...)

One thin that really does bother me is where to turn when I have a problem. When I write to Customer Service they tell me they have "referred my concern to management. Thank you for your input.........blah, blah, blah". One time I sent one of these letters back to UAL certified mail with a request for a REAL answer. Fell over dead laughing when I got the same form letter in response to that letter.

cool thanks

Jim Davidovich
I did pass the rants on to our IADCS people

JIM, have you heard about people flying segments on TG in Thailand to obtain the 100 needed for 1K status?

Koko is now banned for life then?

The Seattle 1K and RCC staff are golden

Excellent! Thanks.

Jim Davidovich
TG segs do not count towards status, just miles

Trish and Teddy Rock

How do you think that DL has handled its program recently. Are you laughing yourself silly?

Jim .. WRONG i think. :-)

I would never expect to be punished for helping UA improve their product!!!!!!!

so there is hope (possibly) that I may be able to get to Perth in Western Australia on one ticket under Star Alliance changes?

JIM, is this a recent change?

Jim, any thoughts on the CO bonuses and unlimited domestic upgrades ?

LIH Prem
whoa .. TG segs don't count for status? lmao.

Angell above the clouds
Jim, what is your take on the 25K OnePass miles from US to Hong Kong? Are you guys going to do some of that?

Jim Davidovich
Punki, it is frustrating I know.....but volumes often dictate form letters...have you tried e-mail to our Customer relations?

E-mail Customer Relations are wonderful

Mailed, called, e-mailed.. We need a real live human being

mark bach
Jim: ever thought of assigning a "UAL Lurker" like the Starwood Lurker to address questions on FT with an official response?

Jim, Gwen at your email customer relations is terrific; kudos to her response time and customer orientation.

Jim Davidovich
CO is very heavy on bonus miles right now and have many interesting offers out there....with our miles handed out last year for recovery we will be careful about handing out too much....our award redemption volumes spiked greatly after your extra Premier bonuses posted

Hilton has a couple of staffers full time on the FT boards.

That is why I love Starwood Lurker, Adam from Hilton and my friends from AS.. I even had a great contact at NWA but had to switch to UAL to get on the PIP Express Upper Deck


UH OH... some people are in for a disappointment who are on a BAHT run... :(

I agree with Punki's beef--How about a more direct means to talk to UA for Premiers and up?

Hey, if we're passing around kudos, dont forget Mary Lou at the BWI RCC. Right up there with Trish at SEA 1k IMHO.

Dan .. you should not have gone!

Well, those extra Premier bonuses were definitely nice.

aol threw me off

LIH Prem
Hey Dan.

JIM - Are you sure TG does not count as segments. They have in the recent past. Is this a change?

Premier E-Mail address is needed

Actually I was totally blown away by how wonderful the ground staff at EWR were last week when our flight was cancelled

Al P., Barbara, Dennis, and Jodine at the SFO RCC!

Jim .. so 100 segments on a Star * carrier, giving a MP # will not get 1K any more? Used to. When was the change made? And was anyone told?

:( My question seems to be falling through the cracks. Jim, just so you know the story of THIS former UA flier, I was Premier Exec until this year. I stopped flying UA because I'm working on getting 1Million miles status on AA, which counts all my bonuses, etc. Granted, I won't get 2nd tier elite, like I would on UA with 1Million miles, but neither do I have ONLY my flight miles counted like on UA. How about premier for life with 1 million miles from ANY source or bonus or partner, and PE with 1Million FLIGHT miles?

Jim Davidovich
jwright it is something to think about and I will pass it on

1K phone response time was dreadful earlier this year. Can you add a screen to be sure that callers are 1K? Phone number seems to have been widely disseminated.

Jim Davidovich
no Star only counts in miles not segs

Jim - is there any chance in the future that I will be able to book Ansett flights at UAL.COM?

Boa Viagem to all of you. "Thank You" Jim for your efforts & my Premier Exec Bonuses! See you in the air. A Platinum Elite, Gold Medallion, & Premier FF.

Agree SanDiego 1K. On AS you need to punch in your number and if it doesn't match, they hang up. I love it.

How about having NC and NF show up on the list for available fare classes

Jim- refresher question....possibility of UA monitored website for 'legal' exchanges bw MPers?

Good point SD1k...20 minute hold times on the 1k line were common...

Jim, I am a Plat Exec on AA what level would you comp me to on UA if I wanted to switch to UA?

Thanks Jim re segments. Must be a brand new policy then?

Jim Davidovich
We are looking into better ways to book between Star carriers in our reservations systems....something we call direct booking link....once that is up we can look toward web applications but launching that is way beyond schedule


Angell above the clouds
Jim, LAST QUESTION from me! Too many flights are going with empty seats--a problem all the airlines face. What about a program to go standby on an empty seat for 5K miles? I think you'd see fewer empty seats and more enthusiasm about frequent flyer programs?

aadmiral--call UAMP customer service..they're set up to answer your question. Expect Premier Exec if you can prove it.

What exactly is wrong with my giving my brother Rudi some of my SWUs that I can't use in exchange for his NAs that he can't use?

Do you get anything back for returning a HK49

Jim. Has there been any drop off in bookings in the last month or so. As relating to the economy.

i think a standby award would make things too complicated at the airport and at 5000 miles be dilutive to paid tickets and regular awards..

Earlier this year I was called IK res to book some int'l full fare F flights. I had to wait over 30 minutes on several occasions before hanging up. This is unacceptable for top-tier. I called CO (no hold time!) and immediately booked four BizFirst tickets that would have gone to UA as full fare F. Does UA consider 30 minutes on 1K to be acceptable? If so, goodbye 1K for me!

Jim: a compliment: MP has become very efficient at putting in missed miles when cancellations or missed-connects happen. Down from an average of a couple months a couple years ago to a week or two now...kudos!

Ditto KoKonutz comment.... I am very pleased at that improvement

I actually watched them post missing miles today as we spoke on the phone. That was cool

Jim .. I fly It'l so seldom use EUG .. other than the ones your staff "steal" from my account without asking. :-) Can for 1Ks there be a system where one can elect to turn in say TEN x 500 milers in exchange for a SWU if that suits our travel patterns better?

Jim Davidovich
basically when we plan these benefits we plan for breakage...when people trade it effects the breakage rate and that alters what levels are given out to all members


Why do I have to go to a UA ticket counter to authorize use by my husband of my upgrade certs? Why can't a phone authorization system be put in effect?

Jim, what is breakage?

Jim; Breakage = not used???

"Breakage" meaning "We imagine they'll never be used"?

Jim- Why assume breakage???? If you give out 100 certs, you should at least be prepared, if not reasonably expect that all of them COULD be used

Jim Davidovich
we do not plan to exchange 500's for SWU's, but when the E-ugs expire they will be credit mile for mile to your mileage account

Jim - Qantas have made some significant changes to their frequent flyer scheme to make it more competitive - is United likely to respond or are the two airlines in different markets?

Jim Davidovich
yes not used yes

Jim, any thoughts on making MP Promotions Universal, e.g UK members allowed to earn the more numerous US domestic bonuses

Jim Davidovich
no beaubo that is not the case, that is why we oversell flights as well

Jim, A few years ago my three kids had their 18,750 miles terminate because of no activity for a period of time. This was heartbreaking for my oldest daughter who had hoped to have a ticket available for when she got married. Unfortunately, what took her 14 years to accumulate was drained to zero. I ended up paying the $75 for all three kids to have their miles reinstated. But, my comment is, why not exclude minors from your three year activity requirement since they do not have the opportunities to accumulate miles easily? Thanks for listening.

Jim Davidovich
different markets

mark bach
millby: good idea

Angell above the clouds
Jim, OK this is the last question--on a more personal level. I flew Air Canada/Canadian Air last December from DFW to Vancouver. I got credit for the return but not the outbound because they said the Canadian Air/Air Canada agreement was not yet worked out. Can you help me get the 2500 miles credited?

Jim Davidovich
no age on the mileage accounts

why cant a 1K travelling with two people book ABC one a 3x3 config. If there were only two people the would assign A&C and try to block B. Can't they pretend B is blocked and put the third person in it.

So where is the line. I can trade with Joe (my husband) I imagine. I can upgrade my kids, employees, friends. I can give my brother certs and he can give me certs. Where is the line?

Jim Davidovich
contact MP service center as I do not have capacity to add miles

Jim: Do you have any idea of revenue comps to 1K or other "secret" benefits. A guess is that last year I spent over $75,000 with UA, yet I get the same 1K benefits as someone who earned it on $5,000 or less. Other airlines say "thanks" by making the requirement levels for elite lower (First Class gets a 50% bonus towards status miles)

Jim, Are you saying that the kids miles should not have been terminated?

globetrotter - curious, what keeps you flying with UAL?

Jim Davidovich
I thought you could book ABC not sure why

Punki- Wherever they decide; the definition of 'barter' is so vague and arbitrary. Instead of ducking the issue, UA should institute monitored website for 'legal' exchange; we would register, all totally above board/transparent. Sorry to sound like broken record. Jim, hope you'll chime in here please.

OBTW, Jim, I am totally impressed that you are hanging out and participating one on one. HUGE THANKS>


I agree with Punki!!!

i mean in economy plus

I agree! I'm loving this.


Delay: Not much anymore.

I agree Punki - thanks Jim - I just wish you'd announce that UAL now offers unlimited upgrades for 1Ks. :-)

Jim - can United please release a Mileage Plus linked credit Card onto the Australian market? You have a great frequent flyer scheme but there are no linked credit cards available at present here in Australia.

It was good to see everyone; albeit briefly. Have a Terrific Evening! I'll see ya in the skies Saturday morning. :) (albeit on CO - but Wedn.. that's on UA )

Jim Davidovich
no saying that we did not know who is a child

Thomas Gregory
can a 1k still upgrade a companion at time of booking, or at least put a request in for the companion upgrade? does the companion have to be on the same record. Can I upgrade a companion with me if i am at top of the list, before others are upgraded?

In all seriousness, how about free 1K domestic upgrade on Y-Fares? That's one of my favorite AA benefits

Jim Davidovich

Jim Davidovich
nature break

amazing nj
Any thought to off peak reduced mileage awards?

Nature has a certain amount of "breakage" :)

Poor Jim... think he wishes he left with Randy? :)

Jim answered the barter board question. They rely on breakage to make the program work.

How does chat work? Will Jim have a transcript of this portion of questions, so that those that don't get answered at least get pondered in the future?

I think he is doing fabulously

me too

and he replied in early moderated chat that Bartering is against their rules

im astounded that he has stayed on

Jim: to whom can I write to compliment your participation here? Jimmy G.?

this is customer service par excellence

San Diego... in the past, they have not posted a transcript of the non-moderated portion....

I think it is cool that he is willing to stick around and chat with us. That is probably why the United board has the most posts!!

He's a great sport to do so; there are some mean spirited words on the boards already about tonight and I don't agree.

Angell above the clouds
You can write to God or his board of directors!

buterrier - i disagree - it is because United has such a good ff program

San Diego... I think this dialogue is much better than the moderated chat....

Well let's make sure we aren't just talking nice behind his back. :--)

Jim, and tell the 'owners' up front to leave on channel 9...all the time.

Jim is a closet mileage junkie like us

Yeah United miles earn in Aussie can u do?

wharvey, I absolutely agree. I'm so engaged I'm refusing to take phone calls!

OK... post quickly Punki.... before he gets back so it scrolls off the screen.... :)

ffhound - I think the program is great, but it also the people that run the program that count.

yes jam-3 but we can't get a linked credit card currently

sorry i mean jak-3

How many people on FT are doing the BAHT run right now? I feel for them if what Jim said is tre


How great would it be if Jim were a regular FT poser, not just lurker???

what is united 60000 to states?

Sounds kinda fishy about Baht?

so true Kokonutz

dhammer53 I agree about the channel 9! I'm a private pilot and listen all the time.

Thomas Gregory
do segments count toward status for flights on air canada?

Wow, I was supposed to be getting ready for SFO, not hanging out on chat. "--(

Curious, does anyone flying UAL - care whether or not they offer unlimited domestic upgrades or is it just me?

missed BAHT comments hope it shows up in a transcript somewhere

i dont do enough alliance flights to know if segments count

punki, trying to make me feel bad?

Jim, my question was why is RES so strict on economy plus seating for 3 people if it is ABC.

I agree with keeping on Channel 9. I love to listen to it, it makes the flight go by fast and it is interesting to hear what is happening in the skies.

Jim Davidovich
He's Baaaaaasck, but for just a few more

Jim Davidovich
not sure, why on the E+

You're awesome to stay with us like this. This is better than the moderated part!

Jim...I've asked my question 3 times now, and I'm TRYING to be patient. Why no answer? I KNOW that there's a lot of traffic on here and lots of questions flying around...but I've asked 3 times, and MANY questions are answered immediately. WHY NOT give Premier for life to those that earn 1 Million lifetime miles from ALL sources, and PE to those that earn 1 million from FLYING UA currently. Thanks Jim for sticking around and answering questions!

ok, thanks

night all

Jim, will UA comp elites from other airlines? If so, is it at the same level we are at now? I am Gold Medallion at DL and have had it with their "Simply Good Business"!

Dan, you can make it. Just jump on a plane. :--)

2ManyDelays - unlimited domestic upgrades would be great for me - I do the coast to coast run every week

Jim right now UA check in staff and simply taking 500 milers as and when they see fit. there are many posted instances, and it has happened to me. No mention it is being done. These are long dated of course, and many folks have short dated paper 500 milers in their bags if needed. Why can't a policy start where staff need to say to the MP member "I am going to deduct 5 x 500 milers for this - do you agree?" The desks can print out a boarding pass type receipt showing the deduction if you agree.

Jim any chance of a Mileage Plus linked credit card for us Australians Pleeeeeeeeeeez!

Jim Davidovich
Let me clarify the breakage issue......We do not build the program on breakage but let me provide a hypothetical

Jim was thinking while he took is "breakage"... :)

Jim we were all saying nice things about you behind your back and want you to know how cool we think your participation is.

With perhaps a 5,000 miles sign-on bonus (smile)

Angell above the clouds
Jim, AA allows you to dial Airphone *044 to call Customer service for FREE; what is the number for UAL?

Angell .. hardly a MP question!

What do you think about Delta's elite program changes??

Well my big brother is a con man and always plies me with good wine and talks me out of my certs. :--(

buterrier - if UAL just introduced unlimited upgrades, I'd come back and put up with the Shuttle delays out of So CA. I just dont understand why if Delta, CO, NW, can do it, why we have to deal with 500 certs.

Jim Davidovich
if we give every Premier 5 upgrades we would have XXX upgrades and assume they will all be used. Or we can assume that some people won't use them and provide 7 or 8 to all Premiers and assume "breakage"

Jim Davidovich
for those that really use the upgrades would you rather have 5 or 7 or 8?


amazing nj

mark bach

mark bach

If I don't give him the extras, the breakage might be my neck (or my tiara OH NO)


2 x SWU!

Any chance of you becoming a regular FT poster, not just lurker?

Jim what can u give us Aussie Yanks


less may be better if you stand a better chance at the upgrade..even 1K's have a hard time on the A319's

Careful with SWU's, just look at us at Delta!

Can we have a MP linked credit card here in Australia please?

Jim Davidovich
kokonutz, there are time I would like to but it is very time consuming.... I have been working 10-12 hour days with a new job and US Airways.....don't foresee it soon but will keep it in mind

Hey, us poor Premier Executives don't get *any* SWUs. Quit your [complaining].

mark bach
Jim: AA and NW

mark bach

Jim- Fair example, but how does UA decide the threshold of where breakage would or wouldn't occur...seems like a very inexact science.

Jim Davidovich
maybe a visit every now and then to Flyer Talk live is better than board postings

"time consuming" said a mouthful!!! LOL

Thomas Gregory
Yes that would be great !

Angell above the clouds
Jim, how do we reach UAL Customer Service on the Airphone?

Just let us know when you can visit.

This is a great night Jim .. hope Randy can twist your arm more often. :-)

mark bach
Jim: AA and NW's Student programs offer student fares, waivers on advance purchase requirements, and other benefits that College Plus does not. Are there plans to revamp this program. (The bonus miles are great, however :) )

Jim, it is a totally different culture. Here we banter. The wonderful thing about FT is that many of the post are very thoughtful and well considered

Jim Davidovich
You know it is hard to balance things folks....every one wants MORE ug's and yet we hear "I can never get Ug's" so what is a program to do?

Jim - I like the idea of a visit to Flyer Talk live. This part has been great - just getting to "chat". Thanks for taking the time to do this!

Jim; would love you back time and time again for chat, but PLEASE consider putting someone on staff to openly contribute to the boards, as an official representative.

amazing nj
Jim you should post some trip reports!

Angell - Just slide through your credit card and dial ........

Jim Davidovich
I agree with the thoughtful part Punki

Put more seats in F!

If the choice were 5 UG that I could use almost 100% of the time, I'd take that over 8 with only a 50-60% chance of clearing UG list. Quantity is NOT as important as ability to use!

If you are able to answer .. are there many at UAL WHQ who glance at FT in your experience?

"listen", and it's good to have you hear tonight...whether we agree or's nice to know you care what we say

Jim Davidovich
but as far as thoughtful....Robert and I are getting our butts kicked in the boards tonight

Thanks for your amazing efforts

That's because those of us who care are still with you instead of on the boards.

Not kicked, just potched (yiddish!)

This is the best ever

Jim Davidovich
makes one reconsider another FFT Live round

mark bach
Jim: you know what...

Just like seat selection, there is no "perfect" answer that will please everyone. UA does ok with upgrades as far as I am concerned. Thanks to the advent of the SWU, that is!!!!!

Thanks for spending the extra time

mark bach
the DL and NW people got the same flames afterwards

Angell above the clouds

:( PLEASE Jim. PLEASE. Please Please Please...why not give SOMETHING to UAMP members that reach 1 million miles INCLUDING miles from bonuses, partners, etc. PLEASE!!! Is this a possibility to match AA? THANK YOU FOR STAYING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS!! :)

mark bach
don't take it personally

Jim, I hope you can make it to the Freddies so we can engage in friendly thoughtful banter with drinks in our hands.

Now is the time to say Thank You guys

Will Freddies take UA drink coupons at the bar?

Thank you



I would like to tell you how much better a job you have done compared to NW and DL!!

Thanks for being such a great sport, Jim.

Thanks Jim, et all

You da man

Thanks Jim. You are a fine ambassador for UA.

on the chat I mean

One thing to remember....those that are posting on the boards are those that LEFT FT live. Those that are still here and seeing your commitment will be the ones posting later about how awesome it was for you to stay so long. It will balance. I'm sure it will. THANK YOU!

mark bach
Echelon: good point....Jim...will you be at the Freddies

Top Tier
Thanks a ot, please stop by again!

I second hfly on that motion!

Jim Davidovich
Let me just add that I am VERY proud of Mileage Plus and believe it is an excellent, though imperfect program, we try our best to balance the needs of all customers and sometimes we are at odds with some parties on philosophy but I hope that we can respect each other

Merci, danke

Is it too late for someone who was disconnected to ask one more question? :-)

Actually, I second Rssrsvp!


Thanks again, Jim. I'm off to the Ua boards to defend y'all. Thanks for your personal commitment to customer service. It is appreciated!!!

It is a great program Jim - It's a credit to everyone at United


Jim Davidovich
and as for MM status for other than UA flights it would make the program to large and unwieldy because of our loyal members who use our over 100 partners

I'll be one of the first to admit I do very good on award availability, both US and INTL....overall I am very happy with the program, but great to know you're listening to what members have on their minds. Glad to have you both hear tonight

Jim... I just posted to Randy asking if there is any way for this unmoderated portion to be posted to the transcript... this was the best part for me. Of course, it may technically be impossible after the fact.... but thanks again!

Defend? One silly new user is all.

MP bats over .800 in my book; that's a Golden Glover!

It's my first year as 1K - the treatment is so awesome, I'm more committed to UA than ever.

Jim, what about comping elites from other airlines?

Will UA ever offer discounted companion fares (either in $$ or FF points)? They would be extremely helpful to me as a disabled traveller, since I'm required by airlines to travel with a companion because I can't exit the plane myself in an emergency. This means I must pay for two air fares, which adds up, as I fly a lot. I'm sure there are disabled people who can't afford to fly because they can't pay for the second ticket.

beaubo, GG is a defensive award!

TRUMPETS SOUNDING!!! THANK YOU FOR THE ANSWER!!! (I don't LIKE the answer, and think you should reconsider, because it gets AA, who has even MORE partners a lot of business) but THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jim Davidovich
not sure about many glancers at FT but the important people do, I encourage my counterparts in Res and CS to sign on and read

Oh, but dont forget to put that 747 back on NRT-BKK!!! :-)

Angell above the clouds
Jim, how much would it cost for lifetime free pass to go standby on UAL?...and don't answer that you have to marry a flight attendant!

jwright- I meant Heisman!

Jim, I am afraid you really are a junkie like the rest of us. :--)


Jim Davidovich
well folks, it has been a pleasure chatting with you and to see the names i read so often....Have a great night and thanks one and all for your EXTREME loyalty to United and Mileage Plus....we appreciate it more than you know.

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