Mexico City to Merida

What is the cheapest flight from DF to Merida? Any hotel suggestions? Any restaurant suggestions? Departing Aug. 22.
One of the online booking sites will give you a good idea of airfares. They're easy to locate on the www. The website is a good resource for that part of the country, and there are a couple of good online/print guides.
It's difficult to say without any idea of budget preferences, etc. to make any recommendations.

But your options to Mérida are many, now that Mexico has LLCs (and MX is down), and for a longer trip there is even the deluxe bus service (e.g. ADO Platino or ADO GL - Gran Lujo with onboard IFE and Wireless, etc.) (It's a nineteen hour slog, so air is definitely more practical.)
As JDiver mentrioned, budget information would help us provide some ideas. Just returned from a few days in Merida. It was a pleasure as always. You can find food and hotels to meet most budgets and desires. What is it you are looking to do?