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Old Mar 26, 2008, 5:40 pm
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Posts: 1,899
Originally Posted by adambadam
I don't think this is that bad. It obviously will slow down service on the plane, though really with service at such a bare minimum in Y, not to mention F, I don't think there is too much more a 5th FA really brings to the table besides a faster BOB cart through the aisles.
Doesn't sound like you've flown many understaffed 752s at all then.

You can expect slower service in both Economy and First. Carts will take longer to set up. I don't know what the service flow is, but if it used to be be a 2-cart train, then they might either switch it to 1 cart with 2 FAs (which will need to be restocked before the service is complete), or 2 carts with 1 FA each. If the later happens it will take longer for folks sitting in Economy Plus to be reached. Either way, people in all cabins will suffer. There won't be any FA to help out in First to finish the meal services either.

If you think FAs tend to "disappear" during the flight, this will only worsen with 1 less person to take turns doing cabin walk throughs.

Moves like this show that UA is much more concerned with costs than service. Wasn't it Gordon Bethune who said, "You can make a pizza so bad that no one will buy it?"

IMHO, if United could have its way with FAs it would furlough all of them, require passengers to attend (and pay for) TK training (so they can self-evacuate) and install vending machines onboard.

Also, NOT a smart move on United's part considering the fact that their collective bargaining agreement with AFA is coming up for renewal shortly.
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