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Old Nov 21, 2007, 12:43 am
Join Date: May 2003
Location: SFO, mostly
Posts: 2,207
Originally Posted by johnp012001
That's a great point ASFlyer. I've hesitated to send in notes sometimes, since I'm not sure whether the FA might have crossed the line. Recently flying LAS-PDX, I found myself a bit famished after the snack, crackers and that dip stuff. To make matters worse, those dang machines in the waiting area took all my small bills. I quitely asked the FA if she thought they might be able to break a $100 for a picnic pack once they got through coach. She told me she'd take care of it, and then came back with 10 picnic packs and offered them to all the FC passengers. It was a great gesture, but was she supposed to do that? Honestly, it should be SOP. But, I also didn't want to cause the FA any grief, so I kept the story to myself.

On a side note, I was VERY impressed with the picnic pack. I very good amount and variety of food for $5. Just be careful of the sunflower butter, the oil seperates and can be messy when you open it!
I asked for a picnic pack on a recent flight in F and it was delivered without hesitation. My understanding is they are allowed to provide them to F free of charge upon request. Only exception I could see would be if they sold out in Y. But, that doesn't seem to be happening.
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