FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - British tourists turn their back on America
Old Jul 29, 2007, 6:42 pm
FlyerTalk Evangelist
Join Date: Mar 2000
Posts: 17,469
"The UK travel market is traditionally driven as a package -many consumers still want the security of booking with an agency that does it all rather than building their own holiday-but it many cases the UK travel industry is ignoring this growth area in part because the US tourism authorities won't share the financial load in promotion and education.. Everyone loses-except the holidaymaker brave enough to buck tradition and book independently on-line and many UK consumers still regard this as "unsafe" having been used to the security blanket of ABTA bonding and travel agencies."

That may indeed be it: America isn't a great "package holiday" destination. Our travel really isn't geared that way. You pretty much do it yourself, and the internet has further encouraged this trend.

As far as Brits not having "enough information," well, I'd say that's pretty much their own fault. I mean, the amount of English-language information about American travel available on the internet is nothing short of breathtaking. I can pretty much find info on ANYTHING related to travel these days. Of course, there has to be a DESIRE to read this information.

As far as freedoms go, hey, we all have our biases, but I think the freedom to pursue one's individual happiness -- and have a realistic shot of achieving it, whatever one's goals -- is still America's greatest strength. Others seem to think so, too, because despite all the trouble we give prospective immigrants, they're still flocking here in droves.
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