FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - BEWARE- CO Crew caught on video falsely accusing ELITE of Federal Crime
Old Jan 3, 2007, 7:45 pm
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 219
The story is plausible, the crew is human and might mistaken your behavior for something more than it was, but they aren't here to write their side of the story and so we have to take yours at face value.

There are protocols in place for these situations and I'm not at liberty to disclose them; due to possible security concerns. What you have described isn't consistent with our standard operating procedures. Consequently, until you are willing to post the recorded incident, I am thinking there is much more than you are remembering or telling.

When you decide to go "public" with more details (i.e. "YouTube")...I'd be less likely to side with the "crew". While it is noble to let CO have first crack, it is highly suspect. Why even post here? Why not wait until CO has been given the opportunity to respond? What were you hoping to read from the "regulars"?

FWIW, many of my colleagues also take the drug you are describing and the side effects are unacceptable to me (most don't recall the behaviors they exhibit and those that do are often inaccurate in their recall). I know of one crew member who took the ambien while commuting home and exhibited behaviors so erratic, the company suspend their "flight" benefits.
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