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Old Jan 18, 1999, 11:54 am
Original Member
Join Date: May 1998
Location: The ex-colonies
Posts: 28
I have been keeping quiet about this issue - but many of you will remember my venting about the idiot in the seat beside me who ruined a transatlantic flight by yakking inanely for hours on end.

The phones may well be useful when you are late/plans change unexpectedly, but there is no reason to spend more than a few minutes using them, and I don't think that they're necessary at every seat - having one phone for every ten business class passengers should suffice - and those phones should be accommodated in 'neutral' space.

I appreciate my time in the air as a calm period when I can organise my thoughts without outside demands or distractions, and agree with Merry that anyone who overuses the phone is likely to be a bad time/work manager!

(It's okay for you to call your wife, TC...)
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