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Thread: Note to CCY
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Old Mar 29, 2005, 6:14 am
Join Date: Apr 2000
Location: Long Island, NY
Programs: CoFounder and Chairman, FFOCUS (Frequent Flyers Organized and concerned about Unacceptable Service.
Posts: 1,341
Note to CCY

The note below was sent to CCY through a reputedly reliable method...and was summarliy ignored. Here it is for your comments and reactions--be civil now......

To whom it may concern: (obviously no one)

This is being sent in the spirit of open communication and concern--this is something you and your colleagues need to hear.......

Your best customers have had enough. You and your team are making stupid decisions which will save you nothing and cost you the revenue of your most loyal customers, who are being invited by you to go elsewhere.

No one disputes the devastating impact fuel has had on your bottom line and your alleged plan of recovery. On the other hand no one wants to see this company survive and grow more than your most loyal customers, many of whom are represented by our organization FFOCUS. However, the lack of operational planning and the inability to deal with the operational issues which currently plague the company as illustrated in a recent post on both flyertalk and US Aviation by a VERY LOYAL CUSTOMER say it all.... (Refers to the post "The Lipstick is Gone".

The DOT report came out which was a scathing indictment of your management team, and there was no response from US. No retraction of the statements blaming labor (yes they shared in the responsibility, but facts are facts). The president of COMAIR resigned for heavens sake even though his management was not blamed for their problem.

Regardless of what your intent is, or your reasoning, perception is reality to most people, and that is the perceived truth. So perhaps you can explain why....

You gut your staffing although most of your kiosks don't work..WHY?

You outsource cleaning and other functions and no one oversees the operation--planes, gates, and common areas are FILTHY--WHY?

Outsourcing has been a proven failure at other companies and many off shore jobs are being brought back to the US due to failures and backlash from customers. States are making legislation prohibiting them from doing business with companies who outsource...IT COSTS MORE IN THE LONG RUN and you will eventually have to bring the work back. WHY?

You make a decision to close more clubs--now you've closed almost 30% of your club network in the past year or so...yet you raise the price of club membership for those who want to use RCC as well....did you anticipate the outcry and refund requests which are certainly forthcoming?? Did you foresee the fact that SFO and LAX club closings will now result in most of your customers flying UA or other carriers on transcons? We PAY for the clubs..other airlines are refurbishing their clubs and some provide free bar're cutting???? WHY?

Your labor buyouts are resulting in your best most experienced employees walking out the door--did you realize that these people are the main reason your most loyal customers stay loyal?? Did you anticipate that these customers would be walking out the door right behind these employees???? WHY?

You make a big deal and waste millions at FLL only to draw it down and realize you made a mistake--you didn't plan for the inability of the infrastructure to handle the traffic. WHY???? Perception is reality--how do you think that blunder made you look?

You continue to refuse to think outside the box and make changes which could not only save you money but reduce costs further? WHY?

1. Dump the GO FARES--they are designed to steal customers from Greyhound Air and other LCC's--Business travelers don't care about these artificially low fares--we're willing to pay a little more for your product--but your product is no longer worth the premium. We understand you have to base your pricing on cost plus to stay alive, but obvously you don't. WHY NOT?

2. RATIONALIZE the fare structure NOW-- DL did it and it is proving to be revenue positive...more travelers who otherwise would not fly would take to the skies at REASONABLE rates. I would never again pay $985 to go to CLT and back from LGA, but I wouldn't expect it for $49 either...
DL's CVG experiment succeeded. AS and HP have had rational fares for a while now and they are in much better shape than you are.

3. DUMP THE DEAD WOOD--US has the best employees in the business--many of whom are leaving. There are also, however, some employees who show up and find any excuse not to work--workers who refuse to work should be shown the door NOW. I am tired of pulling into a gate and having no one to park the airplane or unload the bags--plan for your operations can be done. Recently a pilot had to go back to unload carryons--only then did the rampers come out of the break room....if they don't want to work, show them the door--they are a drag on the company. How many millions did it cost you to deliver luggage over the past quarter?? This applies to management as well by the way...

4. OPERATE and PLAN SMART SCHEDULES--You can cut costs by expanding on the rolling hub, and improving productivity by scheduling more flying time for aircraft and crews as allowed in your new aren't making use of it. Further more, you could do like AA did--dedicate a subfleet to PHL so when the hub goes down other parts of the system aren't dragged down too. Dedicate a crew to a single airplane for the whole day--eliminates crew-caused schedule distruptions.

US Airways up until recently had the potential to come back stronger and more secure than ever--but it appears you have blown the chance. You were given MILLIONS in concessions and did nothing with that...WHY??? It ain't just fuel here, folks...
Don't take us for granted--you are seriously at risk of losing your BEST and most LOYAL customers now. Can you afford to lose the revenue?

This is a wake up call people-- you are on the verge of losing one of your key support groups: frequent travelers!! I welcome the opportunity to discuss these issues further on a one to one basis and will travel to wherever at my own expense to do so.

This is not confrontational, it is a statement of fact as we see it----deal with us.......we want some answers or we are surely gone......up until now we wanted to be your biggest allies--but you apparently don't care if we go elsewhere.

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