FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Park Hyatt Zurich REVIEW - MASTER THREAD
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Old Jan 25, 2005, 10:26 am
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 589
Thanks for the clarification and help; it does make sense they would give the diamond member's whole party the free breakfast. It's a pretty trivial issue, I guess, but given the weak dollar we're looking to save money wherever we can. At any rate, we're looking forward to staying at this fine hotel.

Originally Posted by gregorygrady
Possibly tell them that there are 3 people in your room and then make up a "phantom" person to stay in the other room? I doubt it'll be a problem. And I assume Snorkmaster had 2 people with him on his trip, that is why he got breakfast for 2. If the rules say you should get a breakfast for each guest in the room, then you SHOULD get a breakfast for each guest in a room. Now I know that sometimes they charge more for 3 or 4 guest in a room than 1 or 2 guests. So you might have to figure that issue out separately.
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