FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Best VPN for Video Streaming while traveling (Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Apple TV)
Old Mar 19, 2024, 5:05 pm
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 2,927
Originally Posted by moondog
Neither of those work very well in China, in part because by promoting themselves so aggressively (e.g. Nord sponsors lots of vloggers that piss off Beijing and exp used to brag about being "the best VPN for China"), they've made themselves targets. The net nannies can easily cripple any individual commercial VPN if they make doing so an objective.
Oh, I have no doubt. The vloggers I am aware of primarily promote Nord but occasionally they push ExpressVPN so the target is first and foremost with them. Although some of them have left China due to the more hostile environment.

Originally Posted by moondog
Ast, by contrast, has done an excellent job of maintaining a low profile while simultaneously staying one step ahead technologically.
Tmk, none of them are legal to use in China, but everyone I know (including government employees) has a working solution of some sort.
There is a procedure you can use to legally install a VPN in your office, if your business scope requires such. That's a lot of red tape and it isn't especially relevant to the scope of this thread (i.e. I don't watch Netflix in my office, and if I did, I'd still want access to higher end severs than my company leases).
The only one I know of is like "Golden somethingorother" Not having to go to China for the last several years I haven't kept up with them. That said, I don't subscribe to any of the streamers so it wouldn't be something I would monitor. I suspect they use some sort of SPI to detect VPN usage, but since the Great Firewall is a fragmented lot, it wouldn't be applied evenly until the central authorities approve it. But they can certain trace to at least the location any VPN usage.
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