FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Last-Minute Upgrades (LMUs) - information and data points - 2022 onwards
Old Aug 18, 2023, 7:46 am
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: Toronto, ON
Programs: AC 75K
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Originally Posted by flyingcrooked
I was unable to find anything on AC's website explicitly saying lmu don't earn sqd. All references were only to sqm or Aeroplan points. There is of course the implicit, rather than explicit, exclusion because they are not listed in the list of what does earn sqd. However something else on the AC site says that lmu only earn *miles* at the rate of the booked class, but everything else is the same as with a J ticket, which would implicitly go in the opposite direction. But perhaps I missed something (I searched before asking).

In any event, I guess what I was looking for is first hand experience, not policy, as those can diverge, eg if the coding is wrong.
My experience with some of these FB groups is most people don't know what they're talking about. They may be using the term LMU, but it's not actually an LMU.

My rule of thumb is plan for what AC's policy is, if you get something better, then it's a bonus. If you want firsthand experience: I don't do LMUs very often, but when I have, I've never received SQD (or cos SQM)

SQD rules are here:

Specifically the FAQ 'I recently flew with Air Canada. Why did I not get any SQD following my flight?'
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