FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Avoiding/Lessening Jetlag, Tip and Tricks
Old Mar 9, 2023, 1:53 am
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Sweden
Programs: BAEC Gold
Posts: 63
Avoiding/Lessening Jetlag, Tip and Tricks

This moring I was reading through the threads and in a dinning thread someone mentioned times of dining or sleeping while trying to lesson the burden of jetlag. Which I remember seeing simple advice/tips here and there to this same thing the last few weeks and tried to search if anyone had a thread pertaining to this very topic without finding one. And thought I would start one as I would love advice. As I've tried different things like morning flights and evening flights. But still I could be doing those flights wrong, as someone said they only sleep two hours on a night flight, where as I would do six hours. So I would love to hear your advice/tips/tricks and or theories for this subject as I have 4 trip to the states from Oslo in a 6 month period and Nothing would make me happier than to have to drag my back end behind me for a week after.
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