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Old Dec 11, 2022, 10:58 pm
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Beijing
Programs: SK EBG, BAEC Gold
Posts: 936
Originally Posted by moondog
Apart from "fewer tests ---> fewer positives", how are they underreporting?
Indeed - the phrase "under-reporting" is too loaded with meaning. It's much more the case at the moment they simply DHAFC (the first part of that abbreviation is "don't have a" and the last is "clue" - you can fill in the F as you wish). My wife went out earlier today and none of the local testing stations were operating. More than 10% of my wife's team at work have had a fever over the last few days, but less than half of those have been able to get an antigen-test (those that could all tested positive - not that it really matters either way).

Originally Posted by percysmith
Ok, now I’m starting to believe it:

Govt underreporting figures and Beijing looking like HK fifth wave.
I am honestly surprised you still had any doubts.

Originally Posted by travelinmanS
My coworkers must be different from yours. They are all fired up for the ending of all the restrictions which they grew incredibly tired of over the past year.
I think we are all tired of the madness of the last couple of years, but I share Narvik's foreboding. Despite all the new messaging about the mild nature of the virus (which of course is true - don't misunderstand my point here), the fact is that we are now in this situation at the start of winter and still with far from ideal 3-dose vaccination numbers for the elderly, and this should be seen (and I suspect eventually will) as a failure. I genuinely hope though that I am wrong, and somehow China can pull off this exit from their previous stance without suffering similar results as seen in Hong Kong earlier this year. As an aside a current joke doing the circuits here is that the opinions of Chinese epidemiological experts mutate faster than the virus.

The next couple of months are going to be unpleasant I feel in many regards, though we have the fact that on the other side, sometime early in 2023 we can all look forward to rejoining the globe again.
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