FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Buying Money Orders at Walmart (2019 - 2022)
Old Oct 14, 2021, 9:28 am
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by craz
Will it help me any if I explain to the judge that the reason I robbed the Bank was I needed to feed my kids and cloth them?! You dont get it I see, its NOT illegal to get a MO with a card, but per WU and the stores its suppose to be a Bank Card or Ca$h no matter what the ultimate use of the MO is.

as for hours and gifts, the Idea is NOT to STICK OUT and thats exactly what youd end up doing! Again should over time you have a relationship thats different, I personally dont know anyone who has, no saying it wont happen but very doubtful it will. And how and where do you expect to give them a gift?

Sorry but with your mindset, Id really rethink if this is for You, Ive told numerous friens not to eveen think of do wat I do, since its not for them most liostend the couple who didnt ended up very sorry they didnt
No, I hear you. It's a delicate balance between being inconspicuous and building a relationship.

I'm pretty sophisticated with these things so continue giving it a shot. I have a plan B for liquidating anyway.

Thanks for your help and advise-- it's helpful.
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