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Old Mar 10, 2021, 3:06 am
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Originally Posted by corporate-wage-slave
I would guess that those in 30s in good health would start in April, but it would depend on where you live. In terms of vaccine supply, I can see they try to blend allowing some places to go faster if they can with not allowing these places to get too far ahead of the national pitcture. I would guess if you are London based, where there is more vaccine hesitancy than in Middle England, then you may get seen sooner.
I'll not multi-quote some of the other really insightful replies and experiences, but the dates I'm seeing here and in those other responses don't seem to align with what's happening locally to me.

So, some context.

The county I live in has a rate of 37, pushed higher by what seems to be bleed-through from a neighbouring county.
The district council area has a rate of 14.3
The town, which has a population of about 7k with a significantly higher than average elderly population, is at less than 3 cases so the rate is not reported. Neighbouring towns and villages, which also feed into the town's health services for vaccination purposes, also have three cases or fewer.

On 17th February, the last time my local medical centre put a report on their Facebook page, they were at 40% on Cohort 5, expecting to complete that group on 20th February. Cohort 6 was due to start, and likely finish, on 27th February. Based on that progression, and sitting in Cohort 9, I'd expect to get my first dose around 20th March.

Since that post - nada, not even an update on whether Cohort 6 proceeded as expected. My local Conservative MP, who's understandably quite keen to shout from the rooftops about good stuff that happens, has been suspiciously quiet.

So my question is this - because I live in a place with a really low incidence rate, are other areas with higher rates getting priority for delivery of the vaccine as a way of limiting the spread quicker? If so, at what point are they likely to get so far ahead that once again the supply is equalised?
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