FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Vaccine passports for UK citizens for international travel
Old Mar 2, 2021, 8:18 am
Join Date: Jun 2019
Posts: 281
Originally Posted by corporate-wage-slave
The EU is looking at some sort of app too, an outline is due on 17 March, and whatever they decide (eventually) will almost certainly be easy for NHS England to align on, since the database is in place, the personal security is in place, the app is in place and the data is already being populated. At worst a new screen needs to be added, plus maybe a passport number. Since the UK (not just England) has a much more centralised health system than many places, and has 38.2% of the adult population already vaccinated, then we appear to have some advantages here. The other way to look at it is that if countries like Spain and Greece are keen to sort something out in this space (and they are on the record of saying that they are), then they would have the choice of accepting something 90% plus already, in place and 100% accurate, or waiting until the EU comes up with something else. Given the princiiple of subsidiarity, if you are the Greek or Spanish minister for tourism, that won't be a hard decision.
Are we going to see a worldwide system set up soon? i.e. if vaccinated abroad?
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