FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - (held booking) "Sorry but we can't find your booking right now"
Old Feb 6, 2020, 1:39 am
Join Date: Nov 2017
Programs: BA, Hilton
Posts: 2,103
Originally Posted by OGG flyer
I used the "Hold booking for 72h" option for first time. It lapses today but when I attempt to pay the balance it just throws an error:

"Your held booking - Sorry but we can't find your booking right now"

tried yesterday and today. I don't fancy spending ages on the phone waiting for someone to pick up, so will probably let it lapse and just do straight booking as price seems to be same. Lose £20 deposit.

Is it this common? If so, I will not bother any more with this option, pointless.
I wouldn't say it was common - I use hold booking quite a lot - but I did have it occur with my last couple of them, for reasons that were never determined.

Do you have any BAEC status (i.e. can you get through to Silver or Gold lines?). I just jumped on the phone both times, and it was all sorted quickly.

I guess it depends on what £20 is worth to you in time, but hopefully you can just phone up, pop the phone on speaker while you are in the queue and get on with something until they answer.
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