FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Passenger acceptance: Can Passenger complaints get you kicked off a flight?
Old Feb 1, 2020, 4:09 am
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: I 35 south bound, finally stopped
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Posts: 1,667
lots of lawyers in MIA. Going for a settlement of this lawsuit most likely.
Hyperosmia is a real thing. AKA Super Smellers. Mrs. boerne is one, poor woman. The article below says Super Smellers are rare, however they are not as rare as this article has said in my experience. It is quite possible that one or more super smellers were near them at the same time, and the whole ear phone thing went down and was temporally related.
I knew momma was a super smeller when we went to a "sensory evaluation of wine" 2 day course at UC Davis, and she could tell the demo bottle of Marlborough Sauv Blanc was corked before the instructor could.

sample article hyperosmia

If you want to test yourself there are a couple of ways to do this, and at least one board game
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