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Old Sep 10, 2019, 12:09 pm
A FlyerTalk Posting Legend
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Either at the shooting range or anywhere good beer can be found...
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Originally Posted by MSPeconomist
Please don't bring an alcoholic beverage into a class unless you're *sure* it's allowed. There's a chance that Villanova forbids alcohol on campus or in certain buildings (such as academic buildings, including offices and labs as well as classrooms versus dorms and the student union) even among groups of people over 21 or requires special permission/permits for alcohol.

Chances are that alcohol (at least wine and beer) will be served or available for purchase at dinners or evening social events during the weekend. Otherwise don't do it. It's only one weekend.
Or, unless you know the prof won't mind.
Originally Posted by GW McLintock
Lol, I was kidding I wouldn't actually drink in the school building. Maybe when I was a kid, but not now. Example:

At the risk of going into OMNI territory... many years ago, I was taking a poli sci class on the history of Rochester. It was actually pretty interesting (and probably my favorite class I took at U of R). On my birthday I went in with a big cup of Diet Dr. Pepper (with some, uhh, stuff. A lot of stuff). After class I got an email from my professor saying she was proud of how much I participated that day and was giving me extra credit.

LOL, I had a prof who would conduct class at a local bar if everyone in class was at least 21.
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