FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - AA Penalty for Selling My AA Miles
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Old Aug 15, 2019, 9:28 am
Join Date: Nov 1999
Posts: 24,153
Originally Posted by Dr. HFH
That's my point. You haven't bought what you apparently think that you bought. You didn't buy the miles. You bought the right to use them in the AAdvantage program subject to the program's Ts & Cs. If explaining that to you makes me the Rules Police, then I'm guilty as charged. Feel free to continue to believe that you bought the miles and that they are your personal property to do with as you like, just like a car or a book. The real problem is that you just don't like the answers that you have now received from several people.
It would be nice if AA spelled it all out as you just did. Instead they will rely on whats buried somewhere in T&Cs in legalize. Id bet that the vast majority of people actually believe that in fact the Miles they have are theirs and they own them

It would also be nice if the AA cops would contact someone like the OP and inform them , we know you have just joined AA please note this is your 1 and only warning, selling, offering to sell, barter etc etc is against the T&Cs you agreed to when you signed up, not having the offer removed or making another offer elsewhere will have its penalties. Instead they atke whats buried in their T&Cs as the 1 warning
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