FlyerTalk Forums - View Single Post - Buying Money Orders at Walmart (2019 - 2022)
Old Mar 1, 2019, 11:27 am
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 1,727
Originally Posted by bambino444
How did the CSR take it when you asked to do those specific steps? Were they sketched out that you knew the process so well?

Also I would like to clarify the steps. Ask for Serve load, have them swipe the Serve card on their terminal. Then BEFORE you tell them the amount, ask to swipe your card first and etc?
it'll vary with each csr. some decide/get nervous they don't like it and won't allow the transaction. I've had csr's try to say I had bad cards. it can be hard to get some of them to slow down and not hit enter. just go with the flow.

ID under $1,000 total (MO + fees) is a 10.6% chance based on WMTs KYC policy. CSRs can also require ID for any transaction. I've had $500 MOs with ID and next day same CSR didn't ID me even after saying ur a reg so I need to enter. Maybe csr id'd me coz of 10.6% random ID check or maybe coz being reg. It's semantics so long as I can buy.
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