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Thread: AC lounge food
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Old Sep 5, 2018, 12:06 pm
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YYZ TB 9/3 early evening:

1. potato and leek soup - not bad in general but a little overdone with the flour, left a chalky aftertaste
2. Italian wedding soup - didn't try
3. two platters of generic potato salad - not terrible, not great
4. chips and dip - no hummus, I consider that a downgrade
5. pasta with tomato sauce and cheese - the staff were taking this away at literally 7PM right on time, and I almost had to wrestle the tray out of their hands to get any of what was left, and keep the staff away until my partner could get to the pasta from the soup station. I think they could have waited until people in line finished vs trying to yank it away like that, it was a very weird experience to have them try and grab it away while the serving spoon was in my hand
6. kale salad - needless to say, no thanks
7. some cold (stale) bread
8. generic, hard, crusty and likely stale cookies in a jar
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