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Old May 2, 2018, 6:51 pm
FlyerTalk Evangelist
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Originally Posted by euromannn
Ridiculous you keep defending PP or Chase.
Not defending either (see below).

Originally Posted by euromannn
PP program is a mess ---because PP doesn't communicate with the merchants(PP card issuers or lounges) to update the web site.
PP was given information about AS lounges 6 months ago(problems in Seattle) and WOULD NOT investigate nor update web site.
That is a professional mismanagement issue and is it strange you can't accept that fact.
In fairness, we don't know for sure when the page I previously linked updated. It could have updated last week or a few days after your contact with them for all we know. Maybe someone else here has a better idea of when the previously mentioned language was added.

Additionally, we don't know for sure when AS sent updated information to PP or how often they're supposed to send such per their agreement with them. If AS notified PP quickly but PP sat on that for months, for instance, then you may have a point.

(BTW, maybe there should be a way to accept customer input if there isn't already, especially if PP only requires updates from participating lounges every few months or longer.)

Originally Posted by euromannn
As for Chase once again I'll repeat the issue"
Chase has ZERO written documentation on restaurant guest limits. Chase verbally tells me 5 guests while a poster claims unlimited when he has zero written documentation to back it up. Chase nor PP have documentation on lounge access for guests and your force to find out at last minute when you arrive.
I was under the impression that the particular venue has no idea what issuer is paying for your PP access. I suppose it's possible that there could be something that shows up that tells them to only allow X number of guests at most, but that would be at odds with what other issuers that limit the number of free guests do (which is to allow additional ones for a fee, subject to the individual lounge's acceptance of said guests).

Also, it's well known that Chase allows unlimited guests for no additional fees to regular lounges. Since restaurants are considered lounges too (unless I'm mistaken), I would expect that same policy to apply--and if not, Chase really should have let their customers know.

Originally Posted by euromannn
Since there is ZERO documentation you cannot hold any lounge accountable for number of guests.
Zero documentation that Chase has a maximum number of (free or otherwise) guests, so Chase shouldn't be charging for guests or otherwise limiting them unless they want to change that policy (with sufficient notice, of course). There's a difference.

Originally Posted by euromannn
If AS Lounges in different cities refuse access then PP should contact AS confirm NO ACCES and update the web site. BUT PP refuses to do anything!
Unless AS leaves PP (which they very well might considering their space issues), they're still part of the program. I'm not sure how PP could kick them out since we don't know the specific terms both entered into.

Originally Posted by euromannn
I know for fact CHASE is not allowing guests in lounges in BKK, ANC, SGN, and TPE for lounges.
Are you sure it's because your membership is through Chase or would they have blocked guest access with memberships through other issuers as well? I suspect if I tried to enter with a PP membership from, say, AmEx, that same issue would have arisen--even though those guests likely wouldn't have been free.
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