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Old Jun 11, 2017, 11:58 am
Join Date: Mar 2011
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The law to ban new AirB&B's in Venice has passed. In fact, the headlines say that they did it like cutting off a bad head with a guillotine.

Ok alla delibera su stop nuovi alberghi e B&B a Venezia "C'è lo stop a nuovi alberghi o B&B a Venezia: ok dalla giunta alla delibera "ghigliottina"

Venice is being de-populated, and one of the main reasons is Air B&B, which causes landlords to push out residents who have been living there for decades, in order to rent out the apartment to tourists for a few nights at a time and charge tourists for one night what the people would normally pay one month's rent for. Since tourists don't need tailors, barber shops, cleaners, the neighborhood businesses then all go out of business, and pretty soon, there is no neighborhood left.

Cruise ships and Air B&B have been killing Venice, and they are finally doing something to stop it with this law. Some of the interesting phrases in the article,

"stop nuovi alberghi e B&B a Venezia
"stop alle variazioni degli alloggi per uso turistico.“

"stop all new variations of themes of places to stay for tourists."

"di fatto intende bloccare l'apertura di nuove strutture ricettive in centro storico e l'ampliamento di quelle già esistenti."

"We already have enough places for people to stay."

insomma, una risposta a chi vede nell'"invasione turistica" uno dei più grossi problemi del capoluogo.

"In summary, this is a response to the "invasion of the tourists" one of the biggest problems facing Venice as the capital of the region."

D'altronde secondo un censimento del Comune i posti letto a uso turistico a Venezia (senza contare quelli abusivi) sarebbero 47.229, esclusa la Giudecca. In pratica si raddoppia in un colpo solo la popolazione residente. Abbastanza per dire "basta".“

The last census, which didn't include Air B&B, considered to be "in nero," or operating in the shadows illegally because they don't pay any taxes, show 47,229 beds for rent in Venice, not including in Giudecca. Which in one blow doubles the population of the city (Venice has about 54,000 residents, and if the majority of people are sleeping two in a bed, I can understand the calculation). This is enough to say basta, enough!
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